Wowie! This is very strange

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Papyrus pov:

Ugh my head hurts!! What happened? Where am I? Ugh! " SANS WHAT HAPPENED?!?!?" I yelled at the top of my lungs. " I WILL GET YOU OUT OF THERE BUDDY!!!!"  Said a voice that sounded similar like Sans. I look around this doesn't look like Snowdin at all!! Where am I? " SANS IS THIS ONE OF YOUR NUMB SKULL  PRANKS?!?!" I  yelled. (haha get it numb skull and he's a skeleton yah I know it's not funny >•< ~ Amy) " NO YOU FELL DOWN A HUGE CRACK!!!" Sans screamed. " IM GOING TO ADVENTURE BRB BRO!" I screamed.

Sorry to end this chapter early! >•<

Undertale x crazy x what?!?!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant