Part 12

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 "Irene!!!!" someone screamed from outside.

Irene's consciousness shot open. With haste, made her way to the door and opened it. Down below, Jaggle was shouting for her. Irene, seeing his wide, distressed eyes and how out of breath he was, leaped down from the house's ledge.

"Are you alright?" Irene was concerned over how tired and stressed the man seemed.

"I-It's Link," he said in between sharp breaths, "H-He' trouble!"

Irene's eyes burned bright, the red specks spilling over and growing like blood. She was worked up in a panic, a mix of anger twisted in.

"Where?" she demanded.

Jaggle, shell-shocked from her change in demeanor, stuttered, "N-Near the ranch! He was callin' for ya, so I came to get you."

Irene took off without another word, the winds giving her fleet foot. In the background, she heard Jaggle call after her, "Fado says the goats are running wild!"

Jaggle stared at her amazing speed. "Demon..." he uttered.

Irene raced through the village like lightning. She ignored the questioning looks from Sera and Hanch. She stampeded past any cucco in her path. Her right hand stung with blight, but her focus remained. Her eyes shone black, calling forth all the powerful magic left within her.

Up ahead, she saw a huge Ordon goat rampage towards town – towards Uli who came to aid Link who was cringing on the dirt floor. Epona was limping to the side. The purple goat was strong and heavy, it's O-shaped horns ready to bash through anything and anyone in its way.

Irene started to lose control of her own actions. She was fighting against the temptation of killing the animal. She knew her right hand would do her no good, so she was forced to rely on her left hand and both of her feet. Ordona gave her the earth, and that's what she was going to use.

Mayor Bo stood in front of Link and Uli and assumed his sumo position in an effort to stop the goat. Irene moved a yard in front of Bo and rooted herself in position. Bo stood confused and told her to get out of the way. But Irene didn't budge. In fact, she was so rooted that her feet buried themselves in the ground.

Irene covered herself in rocks, using the same technique she used against the Gorons on Death Mountain. At the right moment, just as the goat was about to collide with Irene, she grabbed onto both horns with her rock arms and hands, sliding back from the power of the goat. She pushed against the goat's will, but it wouldn't give up. The goat shook its head side to side in an effort to get rid of Irene. Her right hand stiffened from the blight and let go, the right side of her body left with crumbling rocks. Irene, knowing the goat would get past her, created a wall of earth behind her in order to protect Link and the others. The goat used this to its advantage and shook Irene even harder, sending her flying. The side of her body hit the trunk of a nearby tree.

The wall still stood, but the goat was intent on breaking it down. Another goat came charging from the ranch. Uli and Bo were not aware of what was happening on the other side of the wall; they were stunned and shocked at the phenomenon Irene was creating. They couldn't see her at all.

At this point, Irene lost complete control of herself. Her body was emanating a smoky, black aura. A drop of blood ran down from her right eye. A surge of great power overwhelmed her entire being. She had never felt such power, such strength, in her life. She felt like she could transcend the natural elements and move on to something even greater that would give her control of another being entirely...

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