Part 13

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 Link's forehead was now resting against her own. She could feel his warm breath on her cold lips. "Then I'll make one for you," he whispered, his eyes traveling down to the luscious lips he so desired to claim for himself.

Irene sighed to herself like a hopeless romantic. She rested her chin against the palm of her hand, her body leaning against the cool rail. The memory of that night replayed over and over in her mind for the past week, and since then, she had been in a very good mood. Everything was perfect.

Or so she thought.

Her dreamy gaze was suddenly interrupted by the squeals of three teenage girls at her right.

"Oh my gosh!"

"Did you see that?"

"He's so amazing!"

Irene glared at them from beneath her hood. How dare they interrupt her sweet memory! A few spectators witnessed the exchange and backed away; they could've sworn they heard a hiss...

Castle Town citizens were too much for Irene to bear. After leaving Ordon, Irene and Link departed for Castle Town, hearing that Rusl was somewhere in town. Upon entering the boisterous town, Link was immediately drawn to a game inside a circus tent managed by a flamboyant man in a jester-like costume. So here they were in Castle Town...playing a game. Irene joined the crowd of spectators, watching her companion race against the clock to collect all the "stars" on the platforms inside a cage. He attracted quite the audience, with his impeccable skill with the clawshot.

"Aaaaaand that's a wrap!" The jester-man blew a whistle to signal the end of the game.

Link, back on the ground, was quite smitten with himself. He managed to beat the record and collect all of the stars in less than 30 seconds for the past 5 times.

"Congratulations, sir! You've won the grand prize!" The announcer handed his winner a substantial quiver, much larger than his current one.

Link began to speak, but Irene couldn't hear a word due to the intense squeals from the girls.

"HE'S SO HOT!" all three of them screamed at the top of their lungs.

Irene, extremely ticked off, muttered a curse under her breath. With the secret flick of a finger, a gust of wind blew towards them. Despite their clumsy falls and skirts lifting up, the three girls managed to remain chipper and fangirl over Link. She left and waited outside for the boy.

"Hey." It was only a matter of seconds before Link came out of the tent. He approached Irene as if he wasn't aware of the three girls stalking from behind.

Anyone who saw Link, without any context clues on the situation, would assume that he had a harem. His beaming face and confident strides with the girls behind made Irene want to puke.

"I knew he was a total flirt," she mumbled, meeting him halfway.

"What do you think?" Link presented the rather large quiver to her. There was an air of smugness around him, but his presence seemed humbling.

"It was all right," Irene droned, not interested in anything he had to say. Her icy glare stared into the depths of the girls' souls, making them retreat behind a bush to look from afar.

Link looked like a kicked puppy.

"What are you going to do with that?" She motioned to the prize. "You don't really need it, do you?"

The hero hung his head in embarrassment. "Well, no... But I thought maybe you'd be impressed with me if I won."

Irene blinked in surprise.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2016 ⏰

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