SNEAK PEEK! Still Waters Preview!

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I didn't hear from Collin at all that night, but the next day he called me bright and early and full of attitude.

"I'm on my way to come get you. Get dressed."

"What?" I asked groggily. He couldn't be serious. I looked at the clock. "It's six o'clock in the morning, Collin. Call me back later."

"No. Now." Then he hung up.

I could tell by the sound of his voice that he was pissed, so I got up and got dressed. Just out of curiosity, though. Not because he could just tell me what to do.

As soon as I got in the car, Collin bombarded me with questions. "Where have you been?"

"Well," I began smartly. "Until you woke me up, I was in the bed."

Collin's shoulders tensed. I decided not to make any more jokes. I looked out of the window and noticed that we were speeding down the highway on the way to Collin's house. Briefly I wondered if he was kidnapping me. Then I looked over at Collin and chuckled to myself.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing. Nothing..."

Collin squealed the tires to the right and pulled off onto an exit that we almost passed. Then he swerved into a mom and pop gas station parking lot and slammed on the brakes. No one was outside. I think it was still closed.

"I said what's so funny?"

"Nothing." I looked out of the window.

"Look at me." I did what he said. "Where were you yesterday?"


"With who?" he already knew with who. I could tell.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Whatever Collin! You don't own me. I can do whatever the hell I want to do." Before I even saw him reach over, he pushed me so hard that my head slammed into the window. I immediately got a migraine.

Then he grabbed my arm and yanked me over to his side of the car. "No you can't." His fingers tightened around my arm. "You don't see me out running around wit' ol' girl do you?" When I didn't answer, he shook me one time, hard. The migraine made my head swim. "Do you?"


"That's right, you don't. So why do I have to hear from my people that you runnin' around campus huggin' up on ol' dude, gettin' in his car and driving away? Why do I have to hear that second hand?"

I had to wonder who 'his people' were. Probably some chick that he used to mess with, or that was presently trying to get with him. If that was the case, then I figured maybe I should spend more time with Collin, so those other tricks would know to back up. Collin must have been reading my mind.

"Believe me. I could run up in any one of these bitches if I wanted to, but you don't see me doing that." Collin loosened his fingers, but the burn was still there. I could already feel the bruises forming. "Show me the same respect that I show you. How would you feel if I did that to you? You want me to treat you good?" He grabbed my arm and tightened his grip again. "You do the same for me."

He had a point, so I nodded in agreement. "Ok."

"Spend more time with me," he went on, now taking my hand softly in both of his. "It's about us now. I'm trying to build something real here, baby. I love you. I want us to get married one day, raise a family. But we can't do that if we don't trust each other." He gently ran his finger down the side of my neck. "Spend more time with me, ok?"

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