Czech mate!

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Here I am waiting tor Emmett to day.something. I told him that I would let him talk to me but only in front of everyone at the diner and in Czech so no one can understand.

" opravdu?" He asked me 'really' Luke he couldn't believe I'd let him explain.

" ano , teď pospíšit, než si to rozmyslím" I said annoyed. I told him to 'hurry before I change my mind's.

" ok vypadat mi líto" he apologized " Kdysi jsem si, že to byla vaše chyba, že táta odešel". He said he used to think that our dad leaving was my fault.

" proč? co bych udělal s ním , aby ho odejít?" I asked him what I could have.done to make our dad leave. The table was trying to understand what we were saying but.they couldn't.

"Nevím! i ti právě za vinu , že je stále zbabělec" he wqsraising his voice now.say that 'he didn't know.why being a.coward.
"Vím, že to není omluva , ale můžeš mi odpustit?" He said he knows it's not an excuse but wants me to forgive him.

" ale Emmett není to jen vy, kdo mi ublížil a im ne kdo je naštvaný o tom!" I raised my voice, almost yelling, and told him that.he wasn' who hurt me and I wasn't the only one who was posses about it. " To je větší než já a vy !" I yelled art him and said it was bigger than just me and him.

"Fine then let's just include them!". He stalled at me. Than turned to my gang. "Do you think you'd ever be able to forgive me and my friends?"

They all looked at each other and nodded, "Only.if Ezera does" Harley and Mike said in unison.

" Prosím?" Emmett pleaded.

" i ti odpustí , ale já nikdy nezapomenu !" I told him I'd forgive him but never forget.

"Děkuji! Je mi to líto" he thank me and said he was sorry' before running.around the table and tackling me in a hug.

I felt my body go weak and he held me. I could tell he was crying and so was I. I had been without my twin for 7 years.

We got strange lookd from some people in the diner but we didn't care. Soon my mom joined the hug and kept on saying how she got her babies back. We all let each other go and whipped our eyes.

Everyone at the table was ready to go and Eli was sleeping in Elaines arms so I grabbed 150$ out of my wallet. 100$ for the meal and 50$ for the waiter that had to put up with us.
We walked out of the diner a stood by the entrance to say bye. All of my brothers friends gave me a hug and and said bye to my gang. My brother have me one last hug.

"I love you twin." He said and kissed my forehead.

"I love you too twin" I said bye to my mom and left..

When we git home I showed uncle and.Elaine their room then went to the room that we decorated for Eli.

He had woken up and asked me to sing something. I didn't know any lullabies so I just sand 'Wings by Macklomore.'

" I wanna fly can you take me far away,

Give me a star to reach for, tell me what it takes

and I'll go soo high, I'll go so high my feet won't touch the ground.

Restitch my wings and and pull the strings, I bought these dreams

That. All. Fall. Down." I sang the chorus since he loved that part.

I left his room and went to mine and Donovans. He was sitting on the bed cleaning a gun. I just chucked and started to get ready to take a shower. I grabbed my towel and and went to the shower.

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