My new home

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Hey guys here's an update

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We stood there lookin at each other for a few minutes untill uncle finally spoke. "Oh yeah so Ezz this is my wife Elaine and her two sons Zach and Max. You guys this is my niece Ezera."

Elaine walked over and gave me a big hug catching me off guard" Its so nice to meet you me and my sons have heard so much about you" she spoke with so much enthusiasm it made me sick.

"Ya if I had you'd be so hot I would have prepared" one of the two boys said that I thick was Zach.

"Zachary Micheal Dean, don't you dare speak to your cousin like that" all the friendliness she had was long gone. Now she looked cold and bitter.

"Ok remind me not to get on your bad side" she smiled and suddenly had me in a bone crushing hug.

"We are gonna get along great" she was squeezing me so hard I couldn't breath.

"Uh-Elaine-can't- breth....."

"Oh sorry dear, I just get so exited, I haven't had much girl co many latley" she gave me a warm smile and ushered me to the car.

The ride back was really awkward. I noticed Max and Zach looking me up and don't.

After a few minutes of silence Elaine broke the silence" So Ezra are you gonna join your uncle's gang".

Ya my uncle's in a gang, well more like a gang leader. He's leads the most feared gang in all of Europe and some of America. His gang is huge. Its made up of about 80 guys all spread out through Europe, but meet her in England. That's mainly why I came her. To join his gang. I wanna be a badass. I'm tiered of being pushed around.

"Well of course she is. By the way Ez, Max and Zach are in the gang. I'm not gonna go easy on you though, ok." Uncle cut in.

"Ya I understand. So Elaine your ok with Max and Zach being in a gang?" I looked over to the two boys who haven't said a word the whole car ride.

"Ya, I know there gonna be protected so I'm ok with it." wow I wasn't expecting that.


We finally reached uncle's house and I was more than impressed. It was a tall 4 story modern mansion. There was a small pond/fountain in the front with five brand new cars, a white Ferrari , a black Porsche , a red Lamborghini, a turquoise Ferrari, and a shiny silver Bugati. I was amazed, my family was rich but we had a 3 story house. Those cars put my Jeep to shame. Speaking of Jeep, my car was just pulled into the drive way since Elaine insisted I go with them in the Hummer.

I grabbed my bags and headed inside with everyone else so I wouldn't get lost.

Once we stepped inside it looked way bigger on the inside then it did on the outside. I felt like I walked into one of those magical tents in Harry Potter.

My uncle showed me to my room on the 3rd floor, uhh stairs, which was pretty much like my old room just bigger. He told me to meet him downstairs when I was done unpacking so I just decided I'd unpack later and go see him now. But once I walked out of my room I got lost. I wonderd around the house for a good 20 minutes before I came to two big wooden doors. I knocked and heard my uncle's signal to come in, but when I opens the door Max, Zach, and three other really hot guys were in there with him.

"Uhhm, should I come back later... or..." I trailed off not really knowing what to say.

"Oh no I want to talk to u about the gang." Oh shit was he not gonna let me in." You know you can't just get in because your my niece, right?"

"Uhhh, Ya of course" I said nervously.

"Your gonna have to vet in like everyone else......" oh shit what am I gonna have to do.

"Your gonna have to kill somebody"

Damn I thought this was
gonna be easy.


Duhn Duhn duuuuuhhhhnnn!
Ok so so this chapter was boring so I'm gonna skip a.few years ok . Oh and yah her uncle's name is Tim.

Ok bye

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