5 - Am I crazy (Part 2)

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Samuel PoV

After I dropped Candice to the airport, I got myself something to eat. I took a hot shower, brushed my teeth, got dressed again. I did all the things I'd normally do after a long drive, except I'm not at home. There's no background noise - of Candice getting ready beside me, or Moriah laughing at the tv. This isn't a normal day. This is the day I'm going to meet my son for the first time. In England.

I couldn't stop staring at the picture Simone sent me of Carter, my son. My handsome little man. I could see the resemblance between us. He has the color of my eyes, my wavy hair, my smile, and the shape of my head. Though he had taken the complexion, and everything else from his mother.

It's the small things that get to me like the fact that I couldn't think of what to get him from the toy store. I wanted to buy him everything he ever wanted in this world but I don't even know what he likes to play with. I never got the chance to know. I settled on a iPad, and set up some games I thought he'd like.

As I sit in the taxi that's driving to Simone's house, I try to see the positives. I'm going to see him now, and I've got the chance to know him now. Ain't no point of getting angry at the past, when I've got the chance to have him in my future.

I take a while to get out of the car. I'm nervous. Hands sweating, leg shaking nervous. Never think I've been this nervous in my life, but I know how to control it.

The door opens revealing a woman that I've never seen before. She has beautiful smooth ebony skin, much like Candice's, and wise brown eyes. She had a pale pink conservative dress on with pearls round her neck, and a bright warm smile as she told me to come in.

"Would you like anything to drink?" She asked as I followed behind her, "a cup of tea or..."

"Tea, thanks" I replied wondering who this woman is. Where the hell is Simone?

"Simone will be here soon with Carter, he had an after school club. Football I think" she spoke softly as if she could hear the thoughts in my head.

I sat in silence, watching her as she poured water into what the British call a kettle. So Carter likes football. This must be the English type football.

"Samuel" she managed to raise the volume in her voice and still sound soft, "How many sugars do you want in your tea?"

"I take two" I remained sitting on the wooden chair as she approached me, "Are you Simone's err..." I tried to think of who this woman could be "friend?"

Her eyes widen slightly, "Oh no, I'm sorry for not introducing myself. I'm Simone's mum. You must think I'm so rude. I just assumed Simone told you that I was going to be here, when she went to pick Carter up."

"I don't think you're rude, I just..."

Simone told me this woman was dead. Now I'm here sitting with her dead mom she cried about numerous times. And she looks like a decent person.

I noticed the pair of dark brown expectant eyes on me.

"It's nice to meet you, and the tea is... nice. Thank you" I spoke into the silence, before putting the disgusting drink down on the table.

"She has changed so much since you knew her" Simone's Mother continued to look at me.

A sound slipped of my mouth. Does she even know what she was really like when I knew her. And what she did.

"She cried all day and all night when she first came. She didn't want me to see the tears, but I heard her weeping when I came to stay, and saw the redness in her eyes. And I always wondered why."

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