Harry Styles imagine - Cheating?

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“Go away Harry!” You yelled while you slammed the door behind your back and locked it right away. You two were fighting again, it happened a lot layely. “(Y/N) Open the door!”He said knocking on the door a few times. You tried to hold your tears back, but you couldn’t. The tears started to slowly stream down your cheeks as you buried your face into your hands.

You were just so confused, you two had always been one of the happiest couples, you never fought, never argued… and now all of this … Harry could scare you so bad when he was angry, especially when he yelled at you all the time.

“Harry go! Please!” You were pleasantly surprised when you actually heard him walking down the stairs a few seconds later.


Two hours passed when you heard Harry coming up the stairs again. “You can’t hide yourselves forever! Just open up so we can talk..” He said as he calmed his voice down.

You took a deep breath and wiped the mascara off your face that ran down earlier, and slowly walked towards the door to open it. You  refused to give him one single look and walked straihj back to the bed where you sat down.

“Don’t believe everything that’s in magazines! You know that they make everything up!”He raised his voice again.

“But I saw it Harry! I saw you kissing that girl with my own freaking damn eyes!” You screamed at him.

“I was drunk!”He screamed even louder.

“That’s no excuse Harry and you know that!”He started to walk towards you…

“Don’t get any closer!”Your eyes started to tear up again, afraid that he would hurt you.

“Are you afraid of me?”He questioned while he stepped closer. Your whole body started to shake, not knowing what to do.

You decided not tie lie to him, and nodded doubtfully. He laid his hand on your knee and sat next to you. “You know I would never hurt you right? And I know .. I was stupid. But I don’t love her (Y/N)! The only person I love in this whole planet is you! I never meant to scare you. It hurts seeing you like this and knowing that it’s my fault.”He pulled you into a hug, attempting to calm you down. You buried your face into his chest, still shaking and sobbing.

“I love you (Y/N)” He whispered, kissing your forehead.

(A/N) This was my first one! Hope you like it :)

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