Chapter Seventeen - Feuding Families

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"This is my son, Mark." Marianne quickly filled in the blank I'd left. Extending his hand to me, he offered me a charming smile, clearly oblivious to the drama that was slowly unfolding. Both Blake and mum were now staring daggers in Marianne and Mark's direction.

"Charlie." Shaking his hand, I took the opportunity to introduce him to everybody else, leaving Blake and mum to last in the hopes that they'll quit scowling eventually. "And this is Beth and Blake-"

"I'm her big brother and this is our mum." Throwing an arm around mums shoulder, Blake practically growled at Mark. "Bean, can I talk to you." Rolling my eyes, I gestured for Mark to take a seat.

"Bean?" Mark chuckled. "Interesting nickname-"

"Only I call her that." Blake interrupted, narrowing my eyes at him in warning I lead Mark towards the lounge, where it was less hostile.

"I take it he's the protective type." Nodding towards Blake, Mark took a seat.

"You have no idea. It's kind of a family thing, everyone in this room is overly protective in their own way." Looking around he smiled.

"Must be nice, having a big family I mean." Nodding, I handed him a drink. The door opened and I almost wanted to deadbolt the damn thing shut and lace the entrance with holy water and salt so no demons could pass, well one in particular. She would have to have been a complete moron if she didn't realise how unwelcome she was, the iceberg like glare my mum and Blake gave her ensured she wasn't under any delusions. The shameless bitch strutted towards Aaron, regardless.

Handing him a small gift wrapped, thin box she threw her arms around his neck. Pulling up to his height, she planted a drawn out kiss against his cheek. Looking directly at me, Aaron tensed. Flinching away from her, he took a healthy step back. My hands and jaw clenched simultaneously, the fucking balls on this bitch! Seething, I prepared to charge at her. Charlotte's grip on one of my fisted hands forced me to calm down. "Happy birthday, Aaron." Running her fingers along the gift, she smiled at him. "I wasn't going to come up, I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday. I thought about just skating this at the front desk, but that would have made things weird. I'm so glad that you're back in my life, there hasn't really been anyone that I could genuinely call a friend, in a long time." I was holding my anger at bay on a fine leash, Aaron's eyes didn't meet mine again.

"Thank you, for the gift." Something had changed in his stance, he wasn't as ridged anymore. "You should stay." Staggering back I watched him in horror. What the fuck was he doing?

"" Charlotte's cries drew my attention. Rubbing her fisted hand against her tired eyes. She let out another soft cry. Lifting her into my arms I rocked her soothingly, burying her face against my neck she let out another cry.

"'s okay baby..." Trying to calm her, I realised that she needed a nap. Placing his drink on the coffee table, Mark stood to extend his arms.

"Mind if I give it go?" He asked. "I'm pretty good with kids."

"I think she just needs a nap." I informed him. Adrian, sat by my leg and I smiled. "Mind watching him?" I asked Mark.

"No problem." Crouching, he held out a hand to Adrian. "Hey big guy, I'm Mark." Placing his hand in Mark's, fascinated by the chain around his neck, Adrian chuckled. Pulling at it, he crawled into Mark's lap. "Wanna see how it looks on you?" Smiling, I held Charlotte closer. Walking across the large space, I carried her up stairs. She'd fallen asleep within minutes of me placing her in her cot, regardless I continued to pat her stomach. I wasn't in the mood to return downstairs. Moving to the reasonable sized window, against the far wall. I watched the city below us.

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