Chapter 3

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Squirt! Squirt!
"Ha! Lily I got you! Your out!" James cried from the other side of the "field."
The Potter's play water fights a little differently. Instead if just squirting with aimless toy guns, Harry and Ginny always get temporary wands from "Weasley's Wizard Wheezes" for their kids (who don't have their own wands yet) which are made to last one day. They act like any regular wand but at the end of 24 hours, they snap. The Potters' Rules are:
1.No squirting below the belly-button (so it doesn't look like someone had an accident)

2. If you get hit with water, your out

3. Only allowed to use the 'Augumenti' spell (except for the duel [see rule 5])

4. Two teams with one team captain on each (The adults-Harry and Ginny)

5. If no one gets out in a 10 minute period, the team captains have a Wizards' Duel and whoever's team captain wins is the team that wins

"Na-ah! Am not out! You hit my wegs!" Lily shouted across the yard.
"So?" James yelled
"Mommy and Daddy said that you can't hit the wegs, remember?"
"Now you're out!" Albus exclaimed as he aimed his wand at Lily and as he said that, the water blasted it's way up Lily's nostril.
"OWWWIIIEEEE!" Lily cried as she was blown backward by the force of the water that found its way up her nostril and knocked her backwards.
"Lily! Are you ok?" Ginny asked as she, Harry, James, and Albus came rushing forward.
"Sorry, Lily," Albus said with a genuine look in his eyes.
"It's ok," Lily said kindly. "But you know what would make it better?"
"What?" Albus questioned.
"This!" Lily replied as she squirted Albus and James right in the chest with her temporary wand. "Ha! You're both out!" Lily said between giggles.
  "Hey! That was NOT fair!" Yelled James
  "Nobody ever called time-out!" Lily snickered.
  "What do you guys think?" James questioned as he turned to face Ginny and Harry.
  "Well I think that it was completely fair since nobody called for a pause," Ginny stated. (Lily and Ginny are on the same team, girls vs boys)
  "I say it was not fair since we were trying to help her because we thought she was hurt." Harry said reasonably.
  "You know what this calls for?" Ginny asked
  "What?" Harry said with a hint of humor in his voice.
  "A wizards duel."

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