Chapter 13

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Memories were essential parts of our lives and they are all different. They are the ones that never let us forget our past but also the ones to motivate us for the future. Some memories are stuck with you forever and a pleasant reminder of the past, few you couldn't forget however hard you tried. These would be stuck to your brain like a chewing gum and the brain was hardwired to save them. Then there are those memories which we along our path, forget but a tiny detail could revive those memories. Currently the only memory going through Sharon's head was the one of her dancing in the rain with Swayam. She twisted and turned in her bed but sleep was distant and the memory was avid. She grumbled in her pillow and got up from her sleeping position. Why couldn't she have said those words to Swayam? At least she could've had a good sleep. There was something eerie about the feelings she had for Swayam. Before meeting him her mind would be full of topics to talk about, maybe some jokes and wit full comebacks but the moment her eyes caught his she would go into a trance forgetting about everything she planned to do. Was all this normal to feel? Never had she felt something like this before. She thought that she knew how it felt to be in love but Swayam had made her realise he hadn't fallen in love. Her mind wandered back to them dancing, awkwardly in middle of the road, lost in each other's eyes. She smiled and remembered all about the day, talking about Swayam's dreams, dancing in the rain, shocking him with her motorcycle skills, threatening him with weird animal voices, pouring her heart out to him and the most important of all ice cream for a whole month. She giggled at the thought and lay back again. Her eyes closed and she slowly drifted into a deep sleep.

Swayam on the other hand was having sleepless night for a different reason. His mind was also stuck on one thing that happened that day which he couldn't remove out of his head and struggled to ignore. Sharon had a crush. He repeated the sentence again and again till it made no sense to him. Why was he even thinking about this? He wasn't the jealous type and there was no reason to be jealous, Sharon wasn't his girlfriend that he would worry about another guy. But somehow it did matter to him. Questions started swarming up his mind. When did she meet him? Why hadn't she told anything about this to him? He wasn't Sharon's best friend but he was close enough that she could tell him about things like these. Did she know he liked her more than a friend? Maybe that's the reason why she would act weirdly sometimes. Swayam shook his head and shoved the thoughts aside. Maybe this was all a joke and Sharon didn't actually have any crush but that blush on Sharon's face said otherwise. He needed to stop thinking about this, about Sharon and about everything she did. He was going crazy, she was making him crazy and somehow that wasn't such a bad thing. He loved to see her laugh and how they talked about anything and everything they could talk about. Tell her, his mind scolded him. Why did he wait so long? Fear of rejection was the thing that popped as an answer, but he couldn't let this be the reason to hold back his feelings forever. They might be a slight chance that he was that crush of Sharon. At many occasions he felt Sharon felt what he felt and maybe that wasn't his imagination. It all made sense, why Sharon hadn't said anything and why Sharon and Ankita were having whispered conversations. Realization struck him and he smiled widely. Ankita was a genius and she indirectly gave him an insight into Sharon's feelings. He fell down on his bed still having a huge smile. He had to test this theory of his and he would have to wait till sunrise.

The day passes by and so did many other days. Swayam couldn't find the right moment or the right words to find out her feelings. It felt as if something had drastically shifted, now that he knew there was a possibility of Sharon liking him back. At the present both were sitting in the coffee shop trying to relax. Sharon silently sipped on her coffee visibly tired of all the day's work. Swayam observed her quietly and racked his brain to find a solution. After a few minutes the only way he could think about knowing Sharon's feelings was Ankita.

"Hey Sharon." He said.

"Yes Swayam." Sharon said as she looked up from her cup.

"So, how's Ankita?" He asked.

"Fine. Why do you ask all of a sudden?" She enquired.

"I just thought it would be fun for three of us to hangout again." Swayam answered.

"I don't think she'll be able to, she's got a huge project to complete." Sharon replied and went back to sipping her coffee.

"Okay. Well I forgot to take her number that day." He said.

"You too have become friends very quickly." She said as she handed her phone to Swayam. He quickly took it and saved Ankita's number in his phone.

"You both better not plan to play pranks on me." Sharon said as she retrieved her phone back.

There was a slight brush of hands which made both their hearts to go into frenzy. They looked up to find each other's eyes and they felt the world around them melting away. Her beautiful hazel eyes enticed him while his deep brown ones held her hostage. The air around them seemed charged as their eyes refused to let go of each other. Swayam was the one to come back to reality and shifted his eyes away from hers.

"I should probably go now. Do you want a lift home?" Swayam said.

"Nope. I've still got plenty of work more." Sharon replied.

"Okay then I'll meet you tomorrow." Swayam said and began to talk towards his bike.

Once he reached near his bike he dialled Ankita's number and waited for a reply.

"Hello." Ankita said in a cheerful voice.

"Hi. Ankita it's me Swayam." Swayam replied.

"Sharon's lover boy! What do you need my lord?" Ankita said.

"Well I..." Swayam began when he got cut by Ankita.

"You didn't deny it! I knew it." Ankita said mentally dancing.

"You knew?" Swayam questioned.

"Of course. It was crystal clear. I don't know why Sharon doesn't notice it." Ankita replied.

"So, you think she likes me back?" Swayam asked nervously.

"Of course she does. Don't you see how she always has a blush on her face whenever you're near?" Ankita said.

Swayam thought back to the various occasions when Sharon did blush but he always dismissed it as her embarrassment.

"Okay, I think I'll need your help." Swayam replied.

"Miss Cupid at your service. You have anything in mind." Ankita Replied.

"Nothing." Swayam said.

"Then think about something and I'll do the same. Now I have to go lover boy, I'll message you if anything pops up in my head." Ankita said and ended the call.

Swayam smiled and sat on his bike when he saw Sharon running towards him.

"You're still here. I totally forgot to tell you." Sharon told in between breaths.

"Tell me what?" Swayam said.

"We leave tomorrow." Sharon said.

"Where? Am I missing something?" Swayam said.

"Somewhere in the outskirts of Mumbai. Remember the trip I told you about?" Sharon said.

"I remember now." Swayam replied.

"Good, so pack your backs for a day's stay there and be here by 7 in the morning." Sharon said.

"Yes madam." Swayam said.

"So I'll meet you at 7 and now I need to go and complete the pending work." Sharon said as she rushed off.

Swayam smiled at her retreating figure. He had to tell her, she deserved to know and maybe he would on this trip.

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