
53 4 14

Ok so I'm making a one shot from the song Reaper by Sia, if you don't know the song look at previous post says you hassle of looking it up, and I was wondering what ship you prefer and which prompt/theme

Or give me some Wp ships!

bounty hunter chasing his bounty
Demon chasing his kill
Spy chasing Spy
Over bearing Ex boyfriend
Or if you have an idea then bitch you better share that shit! Don't be shy I don't bite~ *flashes fangs* But seriously PLEASE do not hesitate to say it.

I know most people who do one shots would just do them, though I won't always do this, but I like hearing your guy's ideas or opinions on some, and since YOUR the ones reading it I want you to enjoy it while you do! ^_^ Omg that got really sappy xD hahaha but it's true though so boop di boop boop! Love you guys!! God I'm so fluff right now! WHATS HAPPENING!!! Bhsksgasawyshwlsb *turns into tiny fluffy blue fox*

I know most people who do one shots would just do them, though I won't always do this, but I like hearing your guy's ideas or opinions on some, and since YOUR the ones reading it I want you to enjoy it while you do! ^_^ Omg that got really sappy x...

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Yip Yip!

RANDOM ShitDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora