cнαpтer 9

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hello :)

Good News- Just planned this story out and I am loving how it's going to turn out! So excited <3 And plus now the chapters are going to make much more sense and they will hopefully be longer.


It's time to begin, isn't it?
I get a little bit bigger, but then I'll admit

Chapter 9



*Zayn's POV*

Just when I felt the kiss deepen, I could also feel Liam pulling away for some air, his forehead resting against mine as his chest moved up and down. My eyes still trailing on his wet lips than he was running a tongue over.

I can't believe I just kissed Liam, my student that I had a crush on- WAIT! My student...shit!

Within a blink of an eye I was away from Liam and on the other side of the kitchen. I slammed my fist of the wall because god damn it! I just kissed a student. I let out a few curse words that snapped Liam out of trace as well.

Just look at how uncomfortable Liam looked! I hope he doesn't hate me, that would be truly horrible. Zayn why did you mess this up?!


"I know" Liam mumbled staring at the floor as if he couldn't believe what just happened.

"That shouldn't have happened Liam. I don't know what I was thinking and you were just right there" I rambled on just trying to come with reasons why this was so wrong.

Trust me I came up with a lot.

"I should get going" Liam muttered silently as he grabbed his things and shoved it in to his bag, his eyes avoiding mine as I stared at him.

I didn't say anything as he left. What was I supposed to say?


I could still feel his soft lips on mine, gently kissing me. I could still feel the softness I felt when I bit into his bottom lip. I could remember how our tongues danced together and lips moved passionately together. I would do anything to just feel those lips on mine again.

We didn't talk for the rest of the weekend. He didn't text me and I didn't text him even though I was dying to do so. Liam's essay was long forgotten as the kiss was the only thing on my mind right now. 

It's Monday now and I sitting here, marking few books. But my mind was far from it because I had Liam's class next and I was just dying to see him. But I was also scared what if Liam wanted nothing to do with me and just ignored me through out the whole lesson?

Too soon for my liking the bell rang and students came in taking their usual seats and although I was on my laptop getting a presentation up, my eyes couldn't help but wander off and see if Liam was here yet or not.

Just when I thought he had bunked, he came in, walking behind Styles. His eyes locked with mine for a second before he broke the eye contact and sat down on his seat.

The rest of the lesson went exactly that. Our eyes would meet and then one of would break it off leaving a awkward, uncomfortable silence in the air.

Honestly, this was the most horrible lesson I have ever taught. I couldn't even concentrate on what I talking about.

And not to mention the fact that I can't stop thinking about the kiss.

As the bell rang, everyone flew out of the class but Liam was the last one to go and so I took my chance.

"Liam?" I asked.

"Yes sir?" He replied as he turned around, his eyes still on the floor.

"I wanted to talk" I said as I moved away from my desk and towards him

"Sure go ahead"

"About the kiss... I am sorry" I started off, my heart thumping loudly in my chest.

"It's fine. I kissed you back as well" Liam mumbled, a red tint on his face.

"It shouldn't have happened" I found myself saying. I paced in front of my desk, chewing on my bottom lip. 

I didn't want to say that because that was obviously a lie. The kiss meant something, it meant so much but Liam can't know that. He just can't. He's my student and I shouldn't have kissed him in the first place.

"It shouldn't have happened, It was a mistake" I finished off.

"Right" Liam said as he looked up, his eyes narrowed at they stared at me.

"I mean, it's like either of us felt anything, right?" I asked, as Liam shook his head, my heart slowly sinking.

"Didn't feel a thing" Liam stated but for some reason he was avoiding my eyes.

"Yeah than we're going to forget about it and pretend it never happened" I said and Liam let out a nod.

"Yeah, never happened" And without another word Liam made for the door, rushing outside, leaving me to mourn with my heart.


No guys, you can't do that! You are supposed to start making out again and date and whateva, not pretend it was nothing!


It's time to begin, isn't it?
I get a little bit bigger, but then I'll admit





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