How Things Change

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"For fuck sake, all I want is a simple answer to a specific question" Said Lady Sophitia. "Fine lets try something else " Said Lady Sophitia, as she hissed her tongue. She then walked over too the dying Lady Beccah and held her tight, with a knife to her throat. As she began squeezing Lady Beccah tighter and tighter I could see a red liquid oozing from her mouth. Lady Beccah said nothing and remained paralyzed in pain. "Someone must know where this blonde little shit is, I mean he's the fucking protector of the fucking realm, apparently" Said Lady Sophitia, in a rough, edge, tone, while looking at all of us, under the table cloths. I then looked up too see Joffrey hiding behind the Iron Throne. I then knew I could grab the little shit and all of this could all be over. But I'd be betraying the King, and if the King should kill Lady Sophitia and end this feud I'd be killed for treason. Something then snapped at the back of my head and I put Joffrey's approval behind me. I then began crawling my way too the end of the table too grab Joffrey. As I began nearing the end of the table I suddenly became into possession of a knife. I swiped it and presumed crawling. When I got out from the table I could hear the guards armour screech as they turned to face me. I quickly grabbed Joffrey who was now crying like a baby, and I held the knife against his throat. "Lady Sophitia, enough!, you obviously need the king fro something so if I were you I'd put that down and let that woman go, please ". I said in a pleading manner. A man then emerged from the crowd of guard and drew his sword. "If you kill him my boys will kill you and your friends three times over, so how about you put the blade down and step aside!". "I'm not going to do that" I said while looking at the arrow shoved in Lady Beccah's side.

The room suddenly began too fill  with one horrifying, loud scream. I then looked at Lady Shophitia. A long string of wax was dangling from a chandelier above her. The wax string was planting its self into her eye. Her guards ran quickly too their leader who was now crying in pain. Lady Beccah then saw her chance and broke free from Sophitia's hold. I then saw a whooshing arrow flying through the sky which then planted its self into Lady Beccah's back. "Ah" Said Beccah in a shallow scream, as she fell too the floor. She was still alive and I could see she was in agony, but I knew there was nothing I could do for her. This made me feel terrible inside, that I couldn't help, I felt useless overall. Take them too the dungeons!" Shouted Lady Sophitia as she held her eye tight. A horde of heavy armoured guards then proceeded too take all the remaining guests by force to the dungeon. This included Lady Sydye, her wife Lady Cherique, and finally Margaery. I then dropped the knife because I knew it was over and we'd be subjects to Lady Sophitia's course. Joffrey then gasped and walked towards Lady Sophitia as he was restrained by a guard. A guard then restrained me and pulled me away. As I was being taken away I looked back too see all the dead's faces looking back at me, In an empty manner. My skin then grew cold and the sunlight vanished as the guards proceeded to take the dead away.

When we reached the dungeons I could see Margaery, Lady Sydye, and Lady Cherique Crouched in a cell. The guard then threw me in, and I hit a wet patch on the floor. The doors then closed and the lights died out a little. "Who is she?" Said Lady Sydye. "She really wanted the king, but why?" Said Lady Cherique in an unsure tone. "I know" Muttered Margaery as she hid her face in her hair. "Why then?" I said. "She used too be a wealthy woman, once apon a time but now she mingles with the Wildlings and steals gold from the old.""This was all Joffrey's fault, he wanted too marry her, but she wouldn't have any of it, so he declared her an enemy to the throne. "Couldn't say I blame her arranged marriages are a delicate thing". Said Margaery as she played with her hair. "You had Joffrey, Cayzren, You could of ended this, and you would of have had the power to end the war and ruled Westerose for yourself." "Why did you choose to let the brat live?" Said Lady Cherique in a confused smirk. "If I killed the king we wouldn't be having this conversation now, because we'd be dead." I said in a smart tone. Everyone then sighed and consumed the information, and tried getting comfortable.

A few hours later, the door swung open and a guard placed the wounded  Lady Becca in front of us. Everyone except Margaery crawled to her aid and asked her how she felt. I then grew happier too know she was alive and well. "That bitch will die, I promise" Said Lady Sydye  as she stroked Lady Beccah's head to comfort her. "She better" replied Lady Becca as she drifted off. "Let her rest, she's gonna need all the strength she can get, for tomorrow" Said Margaery in a emotionless tone. "Why, what do you mean?" Said Lady Cherique as she gazed at Beccah's face. "You really think that whore's gonna let us go do you?" Said Margaery in a childish way. Lady Cherique then sighed and groomed Beccah's hair.

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