Chapter 4

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(The date)

Kristen- let's get you ready baby girl.

Leah- thanks for helping me get ready i don't think I could have done this without you.

Kristen- I know girl. You helped me with the first date with kendrick so I'm returning the favor.

Leah- I'm thankful to have a friend like you Kris.

Kristen- awwe I love you leah!

Leah- I love you too baee. I'm gonna go shower.

Kristen- go! I will get your clothes out and heat the curl iron.

Leah- okay bae..

eah went into the bathroom and took about 10 minute shower while Kristen went to get her outfit which a dark purple dress comes done to mid thigh and to top it off with some white wedges.

Leah- well I'm ready to get my hair done and makeup 

Kristen- well sit your butt down and I will get started.

Leah sat down and Kristen did her magic and curled her hair in some curls and put her some light makeup on and leah got dressed ..

Kristen- God you look stunning

Leah- oh my I do look stunning and thank you Kris.

Kristen- your very welcome babe. Quan is on his way..

Leah- I'm so nervous Kris.. like foreal

Kristen- his just like kendrick babe.

Leah- huh?

Kristen- he acts like kendrick. Act your self and he would fall in love instant.

Leah- okay (smiles)

Kristen- (the door bell)  I'll get it. (Walks down stairs)

Quan- hi Kris, is leah here?

Kristen- leah! Your date is here!

Quan- thanks Kris.

Kristen- no problem quan

**** (Past the date, next morning) 

(Text messages between Leah & Kristen)

leah; The date went really well, he asked me to be his girl friend and i said yes, we should all chill today, go to beach? 

Kristen; good to hear that babe! and yes Beach sounds nice right know. I will text Kendrick to come pick me up and we we will met yall there 

Leah; Okay babe, Love ya Xoxo 

(end of text messages) 

( Nock Nock) 

Kendrick- Baby it's me. 

Kristen- Come in the door is unlock 

Kendrick- I'm sorry i had to work last night, I couldn't stay over with you. (kisses her) 

Kristen- Babe it's fine I know work(giggles) Has Quan texted you? 

Kendrick- Yes and i know we have to met up at the beach.

Kristen- Let me go get ready, I will be ready in a few(Kisses his check) 

Kendrick- Can i come? 

Kristen- Nope (giggles) 

(10 minutes later) 

Kristen- Are you ready? 

Kendrick- Yes baby, I love my sexy ass white girl (kisses her) 

This is a cliffhanger! love ya byeee 

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