Zane asking aphmau to date! =)

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Zane walks to aphmau who was checking up on everyone

Zane: Hey aphmau

Aphmau: Oh hey zane oh you can call me aph if you want

Zane: Ok aph..hey I got a quest-

Garroth: Hey aphmau Oh and hi baby brother

Zane: G-garroth!?!

Aphmau: Zane are you ok?

Zane: Yeah I am fine but aphmau can I talk to you in private?

Aphmau: sur-

Garroth: Wait aphmau I wanted to ask you something real quick

Aphmau: Sure garroth what is it?

Garroth: w-will y-you d-date m-me?

Aphmau: Garroth.....

Garroth: You don't hafe to say yes

Aphmau: Give me a bit to think

Garroth: Ok that's fine

Zane: Ok aphmau can we talk in private now?

Aphmau: Oh yes zane sorry I forgot

Zane: It's ok let's go

Zane takes aphmau's hand and brings her far from people and asks her a question

Zane: Aphmau will you date me please??

Aphmau: Zane....of course I will

Zane: Thank you so much aphmau

Zane kisses aphmau

Aphmau: no problem now I hafe to tell garroth the news

Aphmau walks to garroth looking down

Garroth: Oh hi aphmau

Aphmau: Garroth I am dating...Zane

Garroth: w-what!?!



Kaitlynn: ok aphmau I am sorry I yelled at you but really zane?

Aphmau: Yes Kaitlynn....zane

Garroth runs off crying and Kaitlynn leave aphmau is there alone till zane shows up

You hafe to read the next chapter if you want to know what happened =)

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