Zane making out with aphmau

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Aphmau is staying a Zane's

Zane: So do you want to make out?

Aphmau: WHAT! Um...sure

Zane brings aphmau close to him and kisses her but garroth is in the window thinking

Garroth's p.o.v
I just lost my love to my LITTLE brother. Wow I am amazing well I just need to find a new girl to crush on so let's go see if there are any cute girls

Aphmau: Zane that was....amazing

Zane: heh...well did you like the kiss?

Aphmau: of course I loved it

Zane: So you want to stay at my house today?

Aphmau: Sure

Zane: sweet, you can sleep my bed

Aphmau: What your not going to sleep with me?

Zane: huh..OH um...only if you want me to

Aphmau: of course I do

Zane and aphmau sleep together

Sorry for the short chapter but I just had this idea so yeah

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