Netflix and No Chill

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After we all cleaned up, the guys went home and I stayed with Gabbie to keep her company.

At around 3:00, Miles and Hunter said that they were going to come around 5 and that Hunter was bringing a friend. He wouldn't tell us who though. He just said a friend.

So around 5:00, while Gabbie and I wear makings some cookies the door bell rang.

"I'll get it" Gabby says and I put the cookies in the oven.

"Look who's here" Gabbie says walking back into the kitchen with Miles and Hunter and, wait.


"Hey guys, this is my friend Eli" Hunter says.

I couldn't even say anything. I was in too much shock.

"Gabbie, could I speak to you in the living room?" I manage to say.

"Sure" she says and we both walk to the living room.

"What the hell is Eli doing here!?" I ask.

"I guess hes friends with Hunter" Gabbie says.

"Oh god. Oh god. This can not end well" I say stressing out.

"Relax Abby. Everything will be fine. Just act normal. You guys are friends. It will be fine" Gabbie says.

"Just stay cool" Gabbie adds.


We walk back in the kitchen where the guys are fake fighting and on their phones.

"So what movie do you guys wanna watch?" I ask.

They all stop. As if all their mothers just walked in.

"I was thinking Terminator" Miles says.

"The original?" I ask.

"Duh" he says.

"Okay. You guys go get the movies ready and I'll wait for the cookies. Maybe order some pizza or something" I say.

Everyone walks into the living room except for Eli. This just made me X10 more nervous.

"Need any help?" he asks.

"I think I'm good thanks"

He keeps walking closer and closer to me.

"You sure?" he says probably 2 inches away from my face.

"Yup" I say nervously.

"Okay" he says while slowly backing away.

He walks into the living room joining everyone else.

What just happened? Was he going to kiss me? Did I just give up my one opportunity to kiss my crush? I have so many questions crowding my head.

I shake all of those questions out of my head, put the cookies on a tray and walk in the living room.

Gabbie was sitting in a single chair. Eli was on the end closest to then end, Miles was sitting in the middle and Eli was sitting on the or end. I had three choices here.

1.Sit next to Eli

2.Sit next to Hunter

3.Sit on the floor

I decided to go with the save option and just sit on the floor.

I put the cookies on the table and say on the floor with a blanket covering my legs.

"Did you guys get the movie?" I ask.

"Yea" Hunter says and pushes play.

This was the most awkward I have felt ever watching Terminator. The room was dead silent and all I could think about was last night with Hunter (or what I could remember about last night with Hunter) and what happened with Eli and I in the kitchen. I didn't even know what was going on in the movie and I have seen Terminator about 200 times because its Miles's favorite movie.

The door bell rang.

"PIZZA" all the guys yell as if they are a bunch of 5 year old's at a birthday party.

They all get up and rush to the door. I steal Eli's seat the was closest to Gabbie and lean over to talk to her.

"How is everything going?" she asks me.

"Well besides the fact the Eli almost kissed me in the kitchen and all I can think about it Hunter, pretty good" I say sarcastically.

"Wait. Isn't Eli almost kissing you a good thing" she asks confused.

"I thought it would be, but it was all just too sudden and I freaked out" I explain.

"I thought you liked him"

"I did. I do. I don't know. I thought I did until last night" I say.

"Are you saying you think you might have feelings for Hunter?" Gabbie asks shocked.

" I don't know. I hope not" I say.

The guys come back with the pizza before Gabbie can say anything.

"Who wants pizza?" Miles asks.

"ME" Gabbie and I both say.

We all grabbed a slice of pizza and continued to watch the movie. And let me say. Most awkward 2 hours of my life.


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