Chapter 3

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Kirstie POV

Oh my god I cant believe I'm sat watching a movie with Olly Murs. I can hardly focus on watching it.

Should I lean onto him? I attempt to get comfy in the seat and lean towards him, hoping he gets the hint.

I think he did because 5mins later he also got comfy and slipped his arm around me.

I decide to cuddle into his chest.

Once the movie ended we stayed like this for a little while then finally decided to stand up and leave the room. Whilst walking out, Olly asked for my phone and saved his phone number .Jokingly he saved it as 'Sexiest guy you know (Olly)'.

'Yeah you think you are' I wink after saying. He playfully hugs me and says 'Well it was you that made the first move' I tutted and hugged him back almost falling because we nearly tripped over each others feet.

'Let me take you out to dinner' he said taking my hand in his, his other hand tucked in his pocket. I nodded whilst looking up at him smiling. 'So where are you taking me?' I asked playfully. 'It's a surprise' he winked.

It took 15mins to walk to the restaurant. Surprisingly Olly didn't get stopped alot for autographs or pictures, mainly because he had his hat on low and his collar up. A couple of people recognised him and he happily stopped for them.

We arrived at nandos, still hand in hand. Olly politely asked one of the employees if we could have a table in a quiet section of the restaurant. The employee agreed and escorted us to the back of the restaurant.

Olly being the gentleman again, pulled my seat out for me and let me sit down then sat down opposite me. When we decided on what we were having, we ordered and started talking about ourselves again.

'Well Olly I'm 18 I'm currently in college studying catering I have passed my first two years and I'm starting my third year in September. What about you?'

'Well I'm 29, I'm currently touring the country and the world doing the best job ever. I am on tour supporting One Direction soon in America so hopefully I will conquer America.'

'Oh my god I didn't know you was going to be supporting One Direction, my friend who was supposed to meet me today loves them! Are they only touring America with you? because I'd love to get tickets for her' I smirked.

'Well if you want, I could invite the boys round to my house and invite you and your friend round aswell so she could meet them. Then who knows what will happen' he winks.

I start laughing and playfully hit his arm. He over reacts and pretends to cry and put his head on the table. I lean over and pat his head and he looks up.

'A kiss will make me feel better' he smirked.

I lean over and at the last minute I lean round to his ear and whisper 'Maybe later if you're lucky' I lean back into my seat and wink at him.

He sits up and says 'you owe me a kiss later, I won't forget'

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