The Unspeakable Reality- Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I'm not a genius nor am I a math genius, in one glance I couldn't tell how many pairs of eyes were on me. Standing there frozen I didn't know what to do, my legs were giving in, should I turn back now? I'm scared. I'm really scared.

Then just about when I was to turn and run for my life, the person who stood behind me whom I totally forgot to blame stood next to me "So are you coming in or what?" This voice... I recognise it however before I could turn around Mr Ash already ruined my chance "Why Hello there Mina, it's great to see you again!" He walks over with a cheerful expression as he smiled his eyes almost looked like they were closed behind his spectacles.

Stepping in I didn't look at where everyone sat and Mr Ash seemed to see my anxiety and patted my shoulder giving me a reassuring nod. Then turning to the class "So everyone! Let's welcome back Mina!" "Welcome back Mina!" Charl's and Nia who sat near the back yelled and then a few other of Charl's friend also followed Charl and Nia's call. At that moment most of my anxiety dropped and walking up to where Charl and Nia sat I took my seat, "You ok?" Charl made sure and I smiled at her telling her that I was fine and during class Mr Ash started talking about an English project - already at the start of the year. I sighed whilst Nia passed me a note on behalf of herself and Charl:

*I totally forgot to ask you, did you see who was behind you when you walked in?*

-Nope, who was it? I'm cursing him for opening the door when I wasn't even ready-


-Oh. Him. I thought I recognised his voice, jeez Charl stop overreacting-

I knew the last note I got was definitely from Charl, only she uses block capitals like that.


Rolling my eyes my eyes traced to the person who sat just about two rows in front of me, with Chase's back faced at me I stare at him - For some reason in fact I know the reason why I feel almost annoyed when I see him, it's funny because I had the biggest crush on him a year ago. Until... - Closing my eyes I know it's wrong to blame Chase in fact I couldn't blame anyone yet but because of what happened, I became such a burden to my family - I even caused my mother to become the topic for all the gossip that happens around in town. The only thing I can do now is to get into university and repay my mother.

"You made so many notes Mina!" Charl exclaimed as she waited for me to pack everything in my bag flipping through my class notes, and taking the note pad back I stuck it into my bag and the three of us made our way to the dinner hall. As we walked over we met with Jack and his other friend who I believe is called Scott - he is Nia's ideal type, he's extremely clever and kind at the same time well that's according to Nia anyway. Taking out spot we all sat together whilst I pulled out my lunch box "Woah, homemade stuff" Jack looks over at my lunch box and grins - since my mother runs a cafe it wasn't a problem when it comes to food. "Those mini cup cakes you have there sure look good" Jack complimented and I knew by the sparkle in his eyes he really wanted one and since I packed three of them with me I didn't mind sharing - so grabbing a chocolate one I passed it to him with a smile "Huh? Really?!" Jack smiles and giving him a reassuring nod he takes it gratefully whilst Charl walks over with her lunch "Jack are you bullying Mina?" Sitting herself next to me she passed me a bottle of water - "Nope, why would I bully her?" Jack laughs whilst eating the cupcake I just gave him "Oh really..." Charl raises her eyebrow whilst opening the plastic container that had her healthy salad in. "Speaking of which, isn't the clubs going on again this year? I'm so rooting for the cheerleading one" "So you can perv at the boys?" Jack smirks and proudly Charl admits it with a nod and a smirk "Why not? It's free" She shrugs causing the whole table to laugh including Nia who had just sat on her seat getting her lunch too. "What are you choosing Mina?" Scott asks me and I thought for a while

-Have the clubs changed ever since last year?- I asked Charl and reading my sign language because she studied it with me for a while she was able to understand what I had asked.

"No, they haven't really - for some reason they added a baking club but I heard no one really goes because it was just too expensive since you have to bring your own ingredients all the time" Charl answered "What about you Scott?" Nia asks out of interest and Scott puts on a proud smile "I will be doing some volunteering things" He admitted - In our school everyone has to pick a club or do something volunteering but of course most people say they do 'volunteer' things just to get out of school and go home on the Friday earlier but of course when Scott says he is he probably is. Typing on my iPad I asked Scott what kind of volunteering work is he doing. "It's helping homeless people mainly children" He smiles which I believe scored a point for Nia because right now she's looking at him full of admiration "You guys are all boring, theatre club is so much better" Jack sighs "Yes Jack we all know you like all the big production" Charl argued as she stabbed into her slice of tomato. "Don't we have to hand in the slips by tomorrow?" Nia asked and after the rest of us just spoke about weird and random things - nothing has changed at all. Thank God.

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