Act 2 -Power dies off

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I woke up....and i looked around...this wasn't my room...and i saw a pair of arms wrapped around me.I looked at the was lunar....His arms wrapped tightly around me and my head was pulled close to his chest.I face was red.he woke up and noticed I was awake...and his face turned red.."H-hey..."i said.I didn't exactly feel well...but i felt better than yesterday....I got out of the bed...and rushed to my room.I ran and plopped down on my bed.All I need is some more rest.I got under the covers and closed my eyes and snuggled up in the covers and fell asleep."Come on...she's ill guys...we at least can wake her up for what we did for wish her well...and for her to get better..Plus...she helped us solve the trial yesterday...even with her condition..." A voice said. my eyes slowly opened to see lavender and lunar standing near my bed and the others behind them....but i saw a lot of get well things and some things that were saying thank you..."H-huh...?" I i looked at everyone...."well...Gabby since your sick and even being sick you helped us out....we want to thank you for that...." Lunar said.They all said thank you and hoped i'd feel better and left...I don't need anything..but i saw a box from lavender on the floor...I picked it up and opened it to find my new apron...the one i asked her to make..."thanks Lavender.." was all i could say with a weak voice.I just read through all the thank you and get well cards...before deciding to get up...and go outside for a least to get some exercise...even if i'm sick...I had gotten dressed in a t-shirt and some sweatpants and walked outside..I felt a nice light breeze hit my face...It felt nice to feel the breeze of a warm day. I walked around....and I saw there cabins.....Ryan's and Liam's...I noticed a note on the mailbox on each one...I went to ryan's mailbox first.I read the letter."Well...I wasn't able to raise my kids...well but I loved playing and talking to them....Even if I think bulbasaur is the best pokemon in the entire world......I love my kids and bulbasaur." I read it...I laughed a bit...the i went to liams....all his said...." I DIDN'T GET A SINGLE WORD TO SAY BEFORE BEING KILLED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I read ...all caps too? Heh...they seemed to have been cool people....But innocently killed in a way no one should've been killed...I thought to myself....I walked around a bit more...Until I was stopped by someone....and of course it was Lunar...."Hey lunar..." I said."G-gabby!?! What are you doing here out of bed...your sick remember?!" Lunar said paranoid. "I just went for a walk lunar...." I said..."well you need to rest...alright?" Lunar said.."I just want to walk a bit more lunar...and your not my father and I can take care of myself!" I yelled...Lunar stood there shocked and I just stormed off....after a bit...I went back to my i went in i felt someone touch my shoulder....I about punched them until I saw it was Lavender... "Hey gabby..." She said. "hey Lav...." I replied looking at her."You and lunar had a fight?...i heard you yelled...Your not my father..and that I can take care of myself... He had no right to baby you...I agree...but you just worried all of us...lunars been staring at the ground....after from what you said...." She said. I didn't reply...I j-just couldn't.......there wasn't anything to least that's what i thought....No words to come out of my mouth....I just looked down in shame..."Gabby...don't be down...he deserved it....we just worry about you scared you did to lunar." Lavender said."....I'm going inside to rest" I said. she said okay and left.I crashed down on my bed...cuddling up in my covers..I hear someone come in my room...I hoped it wasn't lunar....and it wasn' was Reimondo...."Hello gabby!" He laughed a little.."What is it reimondo..?" I asked."I saw you taking a walk..and i'm glad for you to bring despair to someone.." He said. "Huh?" I asked. "you brought despair to i have a reward for you later."he said.I laid there word came out of my mouth....just dry words would come out of my mouth if i spoke....I felt...I felt like I did wrong....I didn't resemble what I used to be....A nice girl...someone who didn't scream at someone....I hung my head....and cried a little bit...I did something wrong....but i quickly wiped the tears away...remember what Lav said..He did deserve it after all....I looked over what they left and saw a card from lunar...I was petrified to read what it said after all I...Well...said....I opened the letter with caution...I about wailed when I read what was on the card...."Will you be my girlfriend Gabby Robin?" It said on the card with lavish printing. I put it down....And slid it on my nightstand...I curled up in my covers and delicately placed my head down on the pillow.My eyes fluttered close as I fell alseep...A few hours later i was awoken by Reimondo...He had the surprise for me...he gave me some colored keys and a basket full of supplies..."These keys....they go to everyone elses if you plan a murder...and want to kill them in their room...You can use those keys...and the basket is for an errand I want to send you on.." He said.I shuddered..What did he want me to do..." will deliver them each this cupcake...and won't kill them...but it will prepare them for what i'm going to do to get a pass for the despair you brought lunar...I'll show you what happens....may even have you fake your death..." He said..."I will deliver the cupcakes alright..." I said. Reimondo nodded and did i...I left the cupcakes at everyone's house.I didn't have to eat one...All i had to do was help reimondo take them to the was basically like a big castle.....I wondered why...but i didn't question it...He showed me a secret room i'd stay in....It was big...but it was a nice room...he said anyone who caused despair would've gotten to go to this room...and the fact of what i did at another school..which reimondo was at....I didn't question it...and we did remember.....what I did....I came out of the room...and walked over to the group...they were finally awake.."O-oh you guys are finally awake..." I say in a soft voice.."Huh? " they all looked at me...I was awake and still sick a bit...but that didn't mean....I wasn't well...I felt terrible but i told them i had explored it a bit already... to know enough of where the kitchen was...which was a bit of a lie...I had just found them and had stumbled into the kitchen by accident as i tried to find them. I looked at lunar...and said..."I'll be your girlfriend lunar....If and I mean don't baby me..."I said.He gave me a surprised look...but then smiled and nodded... Reimondo told me to go and show them to their rooms...So i did..I told them my room was a secret that no one could get into it...besides me...of course no one believed me except for lunar and lav...My only real friends here...They went to their rooms so i went to my room.It was nice..And I actually got something from the old school in there.....It was a picture of everyone...I looked at hyrule...the guy I killed...I even remember how I did it...stuck the evidence in my shoulder...ran in circles to get the blood of of my shoes...and blammed it on suicide and got away with it.....I didn't mean to do it...I was forced someone else....Not naming them...they were killed...along with the rest...after everything....i did...I'm back again....after everything i did....and surviving....I-I'm back.....I left my room to get my mind off of what happened...I was probably still sick,,,,but I still got up and left...I walked around obserbing my surroundings to see what could be used in self defense if so well as matirials for cooking.I sighed as I looked at the firdge....It was not empty...yet not full either....just a miniumum amount needed to survive in this place...guess he assumed that there'd be another killer on the loose soon...or at least someone planning one....I walked around even more....leaving the kitchen...I found the rooms they were staying at....even had their names on the doors...I checked and did not see my name on any one of those doors...Like I told room was a secret and only i could get into it....I walked away and felt someone touch my arm trying to stop me....Like my instinct told me to do..I uppercut them in the face....only realizing it was lunar who stopped me...."S-sorry lunar..." I said. "I-It's fine gabby...i guess i should never sneak up on you..." Lunar replied."Still sorry about that Lunar....I didn't mean to hurt you....It's just a huge kind of snuck up on me and I kind of hurt you."I still continued on."Gabby..It's fine....I know you didn't mean to...."He said.I just looked at him...I kissed his cheeks and went on my way...I'm really resilient...when it comes to some situations but not all of the time was I really resilient...In fact....when i wasn't resilient i'd just curl up in a ball and sometimes bawl my eyes out..But today was different..All i'd do was explore....well there was a throne for this castle...I sat down on the queen's throne due to my legs getting tired.the chair flipped backwards and suddenly i felt like i was going down a shoot. I landed on a pile of soft pillows..."Huh where am i..?" I wondered.i looked around and saw it was a metal safe like room. "Welcome back Gabby" I heard a voice said..."Y-You...Why am i here?" I said."Oh....well your an expert on framing a killing as a I need you here.." the voice cooed."B-but...I haven't done anything bad since that incident..."I said."Well I still need you to murder someone..." The voice kept saying. "N-no...i'd rather sing than killing someone." I said..."Oh...Well we can make you sing...." Another voice said.."W-we...Oh don't mean.." I said petrified. "Yep...We can make you sing or you can kill someone...." The first voice said."I'd rather sing..." I said."Great.." the two smiled and evil grin on their faces. they gave me a microphone and forced me to sing with a knife near my neck. I sang though....I was scared...But i sang like i wasn't in any danger.....I was finally freed...But they handed me photos before i left...of him....him and everyone....I ran and left...not knowing some dropped out of my hand..i ran to my room rested my head in the pillow and cried...I cried a lot...just knowing what i did to them...Even...even Dusty....he trusted me...and i got him killed..because of my selfish killing... My selfish need to get out of that place...that terrible place...I cried more into the pillow...knowing what i did....i hate myself...Lunar..he doesn't deserve a girl like me...a girl who's killed someone...for her own selfish needs...I wished i'd never done that...but then again i'm alive because of that dumb move....the move that saved me from being killed..but to...the secret foundation...I was just a killer...but to the resistance...I was basically a hero...they watched what i did but still took me in...and saved me...but that's life...Life isn't right...being taken from your family and forced to kill...for someone's entertainment...To see others suffer this fate...this horrible fate...I never wanted to force them put in this situation....or even be forced into this...but life isn't a fairy tale as so I've been taught because of my...current situation...regarding the killing...Life is never a fairy tale....there's no prince charming to come rescue me from my dangers...I've killed someone already...i guess i'm a master at it or a least...but i can't do this...Not anymore...Not after what i did....I finally got up and went to find a weapon...Suicide is what i was going to the others didn't have to face me....i went to the kitchen and found a knife...I was really going to do it....until...what felt like a hand on each of my shoulders were placed there...I looked around to see lavender and lunar..They were crying and hugged me...making me drop the knife...and hug them back....they had found the photos i had dropped...and were making sure I was okay....but I wasn't...i'd never be okay... even if i tried to be.....So Why though.....why would they try to stop me?No one should care about me...I'm just a killer....I don't have a heart..."You have a heart..." I heard a voice say."Huh....?" I turned around and saw Lunar still there....and I realized I said it aloud."you're not a heartless monster...well not in my eyes." He said.I was in tears and he pulled me closer and let me cry into his chest.we soon heard that dreadful announcement made..."Someone Has been killed."....I was scared Lavender had left and her being one of my only friends it was hard....Just thinking of who was murdered....I checked my Reimondo Files.....I gasped....It wasn't lavender....It was Shania....Shania Darkness was killed....I rushed to where it was.....And of course it was in her room....I completely left lunar behind.....just to see what happened to her.....She was hung from a was a bunk bed....but no one but Momo and Sierra slept in the same room as her. I was thinking about it...because seirra was nowhere to be seen..We soon heard another "A body has been found" chime...I paused....Sierra was gone...was she killed by the same person....I checked the Reimondo file..and was Sierra,But she was stabbed.....and tied up on the queen's throne...It was the same person though...I looked to the door and saw lavender walk in."G-guys...." She said.She seem to be spooked by something..."Yes?" I asked."Sierra had a note tied to her....and guys need to see it..." So we left the room with lavender and we went to see what it said...I i read the note..."what does it say?" Lunar asked."Lunar......You stole her from me.....someone dear to me...then you went and took took her i take all of the girls away...." I read it to him..his eyes widened at me...I had to stay calm...this was just like training back with the resistance.......they told me about this...they told me they'd try to recapture be apart of another school killing expecting me to kill someone....when they all knew i wouldn't......that day changed me for the better...But knowing them......they won't stop until I perish in unspeakable despair,depression and basically giving up on what is left of life... 

(Will add on more later....thought it was time to upload it...)

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