book of shadows

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Witches Tools
Are consecrated in rites involving the four elements, air, water, fire and earth. Witches Tools are inscribed with Runes, Sigils and Symbols. Witches tools are used in the consecration of Magic Circles. ATHAME : The witches personal knife. Usually double bladed with a black hilt and made of steel. CENSOR : Container used in the burning of herbs, incense and other substances. Used in removing the unwanted energies away from the magic site. CHALICE : Associated with the female forces of fertility, beauty, womb, earth, and subconscious mind. PENTACLE : Symbol of the earth. Used to ground energy and sometimes to serve food. SWORD : Associated with the element fire, it is sometime used for casting the circle. WAND : Symbolizes the life force within the witch. HAZEL : The wood used in making a wand.

Early neopagan beliefs were that a witch was in fact a female or male shaman. In India in the Vedic Age, a witch was called a "yogin". In modern Hindi, a witch is called Daayan or chudail. It is interesting to note that witchcraft is often mentioned in the Bible, both the old test Testament and the new Testament make regular mentions to witchcraft. In Africa, the term witch doctor has been misconstrued to mean "a healer who uses Witchcraft", when the original meaning was one of "who diagnoses and cures sickness caused by a witch".

In Witchcraft the Triple Goddess represents the 3 aspects of the Mother Goddess in one, maiden, mother and crone. The Triple Goddess symbol most probably originated from the Classical Greek lunar symbolism representing the three aspects of the moon, waxing, full and waning moon. )O(

The word Hedge Witch, comes from the Saxon word for witch "haegtessa" (hedge-rider). These days a Hedge witch is a solitary witch who is focused on helping others or healing the land.

Somtimes wrongly used these days used as the term for male witches. But men who practise withcraft as a religeon generally prefer to be referred to as witches or wiccans. Warlock comes from the old English "wer loga" and means enemy, traitor, liar, etc. The word Warlock became associated with one who had made a pact with the devil. In an attempt to discredit wicca the catholic church started this slander. The devil has nothing to do with wichcraft as contempory witchcraft does not share christianity's belief in the devil.
Book Of Shadows
A book of beliefs, witchcraft laws, rituals, herbal and healing law, incarnations, chants, dances, divination methods, spells, Sabbath rites and other information which serves as a guide for witches in practising their craft and religion. Each tradition has its own book of shadows. In addition individual witches add their own personal material. This book must be kept secret at all times. However sad to say some witches have gone public with their Book Of Shadows over the years. In true tradition only one copy of a Book Of Shadows should be kept for a coven. This is usually held by the High Priestess or High Priest. The book of shadows should only ever be hand written. The secrets in the Book Of Shadows are limited to the witches position in the hierarchy. Information in the Book Of Shadows is passed out as the witch progresses through the ranks of the coven. If a witch leaves the coven the Book Of Shadows must stay with the coven. Very little is known about "books of shadows" before the 20th century. In earlier times the secrets were generally passed down through the generations orally. Some hereditary witches claim their ancestors recorded secret spells and lore in little books. One of the first book of shadows to be published was Charles Godfrey Leylands "Aradia" in 1899. According to tradition a witches book of shadows is destroyed upon their death.

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