Okay, so now we get a bit more serious.

Not that Wiccan love spells aren't serious but it comes and goes like the seasons, always new always old. But there are better things you can do with your magyc. Maybe not so much better but definitely meaningful. I personally have long ago decided to be a healer and have been gratified by my successes and frustrated by my failures. But I keep on learning and growing and helping those I can.

But where to begin. . . .
First you should start writing your own witchcraft spells, invocation prayers, incantation and dance, or at least modifying the charmed spells done by others for your own needs. In either case, you will increase your power remarkably. Magyc is like any other worthwhile endeavor; the more you put into it the more you will get out of it.

Second, you should practice raising your consciousness as often as possible. A really powerful craft spell takes a full day, seventeen hours spent in raising your awareness and one hour spent doing invocation prayers, incantation and dance. I suspect that this will not always be so. When we are the ancestors we will probably be thought of as pioneers in magyc, a field coming to the fore after centuries of persecution and disbelief. Our children's, children may look back and think how clumsy our techniques were but perhaps respect the fact that we were not afraid to attempt the impossible and that our efforts led directly to a better world where the big guys don't always take it all, and the purity of a person's heart actually counts for something. In short, justice, the only way it has ever come to be without violence begetting more violence.

At this point in your journey you will find yourself on your own much of the time with just our passing to be your guide. This can be a good thing, however, as it levels the playing field. No one doing magyc in our age seems to be putting forth any real power today. I mean, there are miracles worked every day but I'm talking about the spectacular, like Jesus Christ, Moses or Buddha.

If they were here and now we would know about it. The problem is, I believe, that we are born into a mechanized society where the only ones who believe in magyc are mentally suspect. It's no wonder we are often unsure of ourselves. But perhaps we can change that together, you and I and all the witches.

Perhaps this is your time. That is my intent is writing this website, to pass on my knowledge to someone who will exceed my humble powers. Perhaps someday a great leader to unite the Craft under one banner.

Okay, enough politics, let's do magyc. Let's write some spells.

Well, here's the first challenge. You will need to do research and study to write an effective spell. You see, one of the pillars of magyc is that "As it is above, so it is below." We use witchcraft symbols and metaphor to access what is above to change what is below we wish to change. You need to know the lore to know what those symbols are. And you need to understand what you discover so you can extend it to your own purposes.

Download the Correspondence pages for your personal Book of Shadows. In it there will be lists of plants, animals, heavenly bodies, stones, gems, crystals, colors, metals, herbs, and especially timing (the date, hour, season, phase of moon, etc.). Over the last several millenniums or so, those who would perform magyc have found these items to be connected in some way we don't fully understand. When we say, for instance, that 'Venus loves tulips', how do we know this? Only because over vast lifetimes, people who pay attention to those things, witches, shamans, magus, messiahs, and such, have noticed a definite correlation between physical entities and the workings of the ineffable. We call these relationships correspondences or symbolic magyc.

They work as similars or in sympathy.
Aristotle first wrote of this in hisPhysics and Metaphysics 2,500 years ago. He defines the essence of an object as that which remains through natural and manmade changes. It is this essence that we address in similars and work with in sympathy.

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