Book 3: Mindlessly Scared

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>Yn's P.O.V

Just made my promise to Jay and imma keep it, but Idk where that came from?.... *sighs* I miss Roc but I guess I have to move on in life, but today I have to bring the twins to his house shit! I forgot well let me get the twins dressed

>End of P.O.V

Yn-*walks to the twins room&they are already dressed* did you guys dress yourselves?

Chrissy-Nope justin did it for us


Yn-oh ok well come on we have to bring you guys to your daddy

C&j- ok mommy

Yn-and say thank you to Justin for helping you

C&j-ok *yells* Thank You Justin!

Justin-Welcome no need to yell I'm right here

C&j-oh sorry

Yn-ok lets go *you three go outside head to the car and you drive them to roc's house* ~5mins later~

~Arrives At Roc's House~

Yn-*takes Chrissy&Cj out of their car seats and walks up to roc's door* Chrissy ring the doorbell

Chrissy-*reaches* I can't touch it mommy lift me

Yn-*lifts Chrissy up and she rings the bell*

Roc-*opens the door* Hey Mini Me's

C&j-Hey daddy! *hugs roc*

Roc- um hey Yn, I'm sorry bout yesterday

Yn-It's Fine

Roc-well come in you guys

*everyone goes in the house*

Chrissy- daddy

Roc-yeah Christina

Chrissy-Um never mind, it probly won't happen anyway

Roc-what? No tell me please

Chrissy-ok well come in the kitchen with me so mommy and Jr won't hear

Roc-why can't Jr come with us

Chrissy-he has a big mouth he'll tell mommy but come on *both go into the kitchen*

Roc-Ok so what did you want to tell me ?

Chrissy- Can you get back with mommy?

Roc- I'm sorry Chrissy but I'm to late she's already engaged and she's having your step dad's babies so there's no chance of me and your mom getting back together

Chrissy-*tear rolls down her face* Ok daddy *walks out*

Roc- Chrissy, sweetie don't cry please!

Chrissy-Mommy Why!! *crying*

Yn-what's the matter?

Chrissy- Why did you have to marry Justin

Yn-because I lo- *gets cut off*

Chrissy-No Don't Say It If It's Not True!

Yn-Chrissy where is this coming from?

Chrissy-since forever mommy i just want me,Jr, you and daddy to be a family again

Yn-I'm sorry baby but I'm with Justin now and -*gets cut off*

Chrissy- That's what daddy said! *runs off crying to roc's room*

Yn- What Did You Say To Her!!

Roc- Nothing damn she came up to me and said can me and you get back together! And I said I'm sorry it's to late your mom is with Justin !

Yn-you know what I'm leaving come on Jr. get Chrissy

Cj- but-*gets cut off*

Yn-Do it Now!

Roc- don't yell at them Yn what the hell is wrong with you? Just go you can come back for the twins tmrw

Yn- I'm not leaving them here with you!


Yn-*starts crying*

Roc-Wait Yn, Baby, I'm Sorry

Yn- No Chresanto Get Away From Me!

Roc- Yn Please *pulls your arm*

Yn-Let Go Of Me!!


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