Chapter 13

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sorry for taking so long. i had writers block big time. but here you guys go.

Shadow's POV

Being in Heaven is very weird for me. Mostly, because I'm a demon. I know I'm not supposed to be here. But, Ish asked me and Kota to infiltrate the angel's home base. I just need to obtain a sample of Ash's blood.

"How are we even going to get a sample of his blood?" Kota asks.

I pull out a test tube. "We use our speed and sharp teeth, like a vampire." I grin. I' ve always loved blood...and death. Never forget death.

"Where do you think Ash is?"

I look at him in question. "He is obviously going to be with Jake. I know you can track him down by his scent." He looks down and nods. "And if he gets in our way he will either be killed or severly injured."


"That's the way things have to be, Kota! He is just a human. He will not be allowed to ruin our mission. I will hurt you if I have to. Those are my orders." I know his love for Jake is still there. I know it probably pains him, but Hell absolutely needs to win this war. I will not anger or disappoint the Lord of Hell...or my soon to be husband. "Now, track down Jake."

Kota nods his head in absolute sorrow. I can tell that he's hoping his love will not get in the way. He inhales deeply through his nose. By the look in his eyes I know he has found Jake.

"Follow me!"

We sprint through the corridors using our demon speed. If we had the vision of a human everything around us would be a blur. We simply see it in slow motion. We turn corners, go through doors, climb buildings and then finally I see Ash. He is talking to Jake.

"Let"s see what they are talking about," I whisper. Kota nods as we sit outsise the window. We demons have superior hearing.

"Are you sure we can win?" asks Jake.

"Of course. You just have to follow the plan. I know you love him still, but he's a demon now," explains Ash.

"I don't think I can do it."

"Yes you can. You just need to get Kota to kiss you at exactly 1am. Then, he will die along with anyone who he has ever been with...including Ish."

"Wouldn't that mean you and I would die?" Ash chuckles.

"No. I put a protectjon spell over us."

"Are you sure it will work? I're hardly in good enough condition to fight."

"I'll be fine. Now, go rest." Jake nods his head and leaves the room. Seconds later Ash lets out a series of coughs. Looks like the poison is taking effect. But, I'll get a sample of blood anyways. I use my super speed to slice his neck with my teeth and get a sample. Now, we head home.

Here is a key to how Kota is feeling...The Divine Infection- Motionless in White

Kota's POV

He's gonna kill me? The love of my life has turned against me...just because I'm a demon. How could he? I love him. He loves me. I know he does. I will not accept this.

"You go ahead, Shadow. I have some unfinished business to attend to," I say with an evil grin spreading across my face.

"Kota you will not-"

"I said fucking go! Don't make me rip your fucking throat out!" I growl at him intensly.

He puts his hands up as he backs away. "Okay. Okay. But be back soon." He turns and runs with lightning fast speed. I storm into the building where Jake is not even caring who sees me. I'll kill anyone who gets on the way. But the hallways are pretty much empty. So, I decide to fuck around. I take out a cigarette and take a couple of hits before I decide to use it to set the hall on fire. It doesn't take long before the angels start to run around frantically. I transform into my full demon form as I laugh. Looking at them as they panic.

I see many of them stare at me in fear and fury as I stand in the middle of the flames with my wicked grin. I'm lucky water demons don't burn. Many step forward to corner me. But that won't work. A female angel with light blue hair and crystal eyes runs towards me, but I freeze her solid and smash her into pieces. That sends the rest towards me in anger. I kill them all. Rip their throats out. Throw them into the flames. Fill their lungs with water. By the end only the children of the angels are alive. I won't kill children.

After the chaos is done and over with I use my powers to put the fire out. Dead bodies lay everywhere. I'd say about 132. Next, I make my way to Jake's room. Seeing Robbie there makes me pause for a second. But not too long.

" What are you doing here, Kota? Demons are not allowed here!" says Robbie angrily.

"Oh, you know. The usual. Killing people." He rolls his eyes thinking it's a joke. Big mistake disreguarding me just because I was once his friend.

"Very funny." He doesn't get much more out before his lungs are filles with water. But I empty them just as quickly. He coughs and chokes trying to catch his breath. "What the hell!"

"I wasn't joking, Robbie. Now, bye bye." Then, I rip his head off and enter Jake's room. He's fast asleep. This is when I love him the most. He looks so peaceful I almost kill him, too. But that's not what I'm here to do.

Blood's POV

"Alright here is your blood sample," says Shadow as he enters my room alone.

"Um...where is Kota?" I ask him. "He was suppossed to come back with you. My asshole of a brother ordered it."

He looks at me with concerned eyes. "He went a bit crazy I think. The angels have a plan to kill you, him and Ish. Figures they'd use magic." He finishes by rolling his eyes.

"But not you?" Why not him?

"It will only kill anyone who has ever kissed or had sex with Kota. Not including humans. I haven't done any of that with him." He shrugs.

I nod as I turn to look at the sample. I smirk when I do. He is completly infected. He'll be easy to kill at tomorrow's war.

"Looks like we get to go back and infect him some more." I grin.

"Fun shit. Let's go!"

We don't bother reporting to Ish yet. Though I do want to see his face as he sees his plan fall apart. Especially when I kill Jake and Shadow. I won't let Ish be fucking king when Hell reins over Heaven and Earth.

We get to the building pretty quickly, but damn are we surprised. The front hall us literally burnt up black and soaked. Dead bodies lay on the ground with children crying over them. And in all honesty it turns me on knowing just who did it. I always thought he was soft. Guess not.

"Should we look for him?" asks Shadow.

"No. Let's just do what we came here to do." He nods as we walk through the building quietly making our way to Ash's room. He is dead asleep and with no guards. So it makes it easy to infect him. Shadow goes first just kissing his cheek lightly. I scoff and roll my eyes. He just sticks his tougne out. Me...I kuss him full on the lips and smirk as he kisses me back.

Then, we head back to Hell to report to Ish. But on our way to Ish's room we hear a noise. A scream being muffled. We walk towards the sound to find it coming from the cells. We open the door and I swear our jaws hit the floor.

"What the fuck?!"

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