Chapter 11: No way!

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I gotten so scared I didn't know what to do so I called 9-11. Well what else am I suppose to do when I hear gun shots? That's really bad. Plus it's dark outside.

"Hello. 9-11. What's your emergency?" This lady asked on the other side of the phone line.

"In my neighborhood I heard gun shots and someone was, was pounding and kicking my front door.  I'm really scared. But I didn't check outside cause it's dark"

"Ok Ma'am. Please stay calm and relax. We will send down some police when you give me your address"

I gave her my address than hung up the phone. I cannot stay still. My hands are shaking so much in fear and my leg hurts so much, my cast feels like it's getting tighter on me.

I plopped on my couch carefully trying not to hurt my leg. But that plan didn't go so well. I yelled in the aches in my leg. Just then I heard sirens and saw red and blue lights flashing outside.

Their here.


I tried to pace myself to the door as fast as I could but I fell down. So I yelled "COME INNNNN!" I forgot to lock the door anyways.

The police come inside the house with their guns and then place them into the cases of the guns.

They helped me up from the floor. The floor that catches me whenever I fall. The police walked me to my couch and started asking me several questions.

Great my migraine is starting.

Just then another cop walked into my apartment. This was the head sheriff. 

Sheriff Stilinski. He was Dylan's dad. But I don't know why their last names are different. But Dylan's keycard says Miguel on it which is quite odd.

Every deputy asked me so much questions but I could only answer so little at a time.

"Thanks Y/N. We will tell you anything if we find something" Sheriff Stilinski closed his little note pad and put it in his pocket.

I just left out one minor thing that i didn't tell deputy.

When I heard the gun shots, I peered out the window and saw all my friends. Scott, Liam, Derek, Malia, Allison Lydia and.. and Dylan.

I have to talk to them about this. Luckily tomorrow was school. My first day back at school since the accident. At least I've remembered everything.

~Tomorrow Morning, School~

As I grabbed my textbooks and notebooks from my locker Dylan and his "pack" showed up. They once mentioned that they are a pack so I just use that to shorten things up.

"Umm hey Dylan. Hey guys" I waved to them half smiling. "I would like to stay and talk but I want to get to class early because of my leg. I'll talk to you at lunch" I walked away limping and thinking about why they were on my street last night. Sure beacon hills is not a big place but it sure isn't small either.


I got my salad and water and placed it on my tray and walked to an empty table in the corner of the cafeteria.

As I was biting into my salad the pack placed their trays on the table and sat down filling up all the seats left.

I accidentally dropped my fork onto the floor as they came because they simply scared me. You know that sorta problem.

"Y/N. We gotta tell you something" Malia combed her hair with her fingers.

"Something you cannot tell anyone" Scott had little puppy eyes. Honestly it was adorable. But not in a like like way.

"Umm yea. It's very important" Liam scratched the back of his head.

"But we need to be private" Allison looked around the cafeteria.

"This place isn't going to work out so finish your food and get off your-" Derek got cut off by Lydia.

"Cute little ass" Lydia flipped her hair dramatically.

"Dylan what's going on?" I looked into his eyes and he looked very worried. Like he has some regrets about telling me this "something".

"We..we... We are supernatural. And it does exist" Scott made his eyes turn red and his teeth got sharper.

I jumped back a lot once I saw his incredibly sharp claws.

"Me, Derek, and Scott are werewolves" Liam made his eyes change color too.

"I'm a were coyote" Malia explained.

"I am an banshee" Lydia smirked.

"Sti- Dylan and I are regular humans" Allison was about to call Dylan something else.

"Umm. Why'd you say sti?" I am really curious.

"Y/N. My name is actually Stiles Stilinski. But I wanted to change it to Dylan O'Brien"

(A/N, sorry that doesn't make sense but I wanted his name to be Dylan at first but now I want it to be stiles so I changed it and it will make more sense the next chapter)

I don't know what to call him but seriously?! He lied about all of this to me? Or he hid it all from me?!

I didn't have an appetite anymore so I took my water and left my food on the table. Then I stormed off.

Why. Limping makes everything so much harder. Ughh.

As I was thinking of everything that just happened I realized I walked into a forest. A forest with no color. Such pale trees and grass. But that didn't matter. What mattered is that I saw an animal far away running towards me.

This wasn't just an animal. It was a werewolf. The biggest werewolf I will ever see in my life.

I tried to run away but that was no use for my damn leg. That's when I tripped over a branch and fell on my face.

Oh shit. The wolf was about 7 meters away from me.  The wolf growled and started to run towards me again. Then it jumped really high trying to land on me.

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