Thats gay

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Alexs pov//

Ive been talking to Hayden for a good week now. I feel so comfortable and close with him. I just wanna be with him, it feels... natural. We share alot of the same intrests and so far theres not a dull moment. Hayden is interesting, he makes things interesting. He's a precious smol bean, and I want to protect him. I feel such a need to make sure he's alright.
I sighed and rolled over in bed. Theres so many things I would like to tell Hayden. I want to hold his hand and do gay stuff. Not sinner gay stuff tho, thats for sinners like Jaxon Cole.
My phone buzzed, I grabbed it.
One message from Hayden Laine: Good Morning Handsome.
I rolled my eyes, "Hayden, its 2pm, your abit late for morning, but did you have a good sleep cutie?" I giggled like a small school girl and burried my face into my pillow. What are these feelings. Ive never felt so strongly for someone. Do I love him? Do I like him? Would I fuck him? I laughed, lol im not a sinner. Sex is for sinners.
I got out of bed and slugged myself to the bathroom to shower.

"What if I asked him to be mine?", I though to myself while cleaning my body. "Mmm but what if he says no?" I groaned at myself and turned the water off and stepped out. I wrapped a towel around myself and returned to my room and got dressed.
I looked at myself in the mirror, "Im gonna ask him to be my boyfriend." I said outloud.

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