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He had the nerve to leave you here, expressionless, in a forest near The Long Island Sound. You been here one time with your (mom/dad) to just go on a hike.You knew it was a long time ago. But there was something that was telling you during the trip something was bugging your parent. (She/He) was uncomfortable when the same time you felt that there was someone looking over you, more than a pair of eyes. You just shrug it off. But your (mom/dad) wouldn't let you out of (his/her) sight. You wonder why this memory would never seem to vanish, like any other early childhood memories.

The boy, Nico Di Angelo, no offense out there, to you seemed just an other a pale emo kid around your age. You've gone used to it because there was alot at your school. Well, should I say, schools with a 's'. You were not a bad student nor a troublemaker,but you never lasted alot at 1 school. Hence, you never had a "bestie". Not that you need one....


You recap what you experienced and did with your conscience, not believing what you did to protect yourself over, apparently, a mythical bull that shouldn't exist. And a boy who you secretly might want to see again, don't get me wrong, its just so he can clarify about this situation. Maybe. And really? A FRYING PAN?! But it was the only thing you saw. I copied Rapunzel. Genius (y/n) strikes again!

Dear Lord, its freezing. You look around your setting, tall oaks everywhere, except this huge pine tree that seems out of place. It was beautiful. Like a beautiful flower around 10 year-old dry flowers. You would definitely know this tree was out of place by a mile radius. You wrap yourself in your arms, seeking warmth. Then you spot what seems to be a rock-paved trail and advanced toward it, maybe someone will help you. You begin to walk toward the subtle trail.

10 Minutes Later

You finally reached the end of the trail. You were sure as heck that you got frostbite on 1 of your fingers. It was late October, the week before Halloween, which made it way scarier to walk alone in a dark forest. DURING THE NIGHT. Thank you, NIco diAngelo.

You see a huge sign that reads:


The name sounds familiar. This might be the place that Nico said about stadiums and something else you forgot. You were about to step onto the camp, seeing lights, fires, voices ahead.

SHHHHHUUUUUMMM ! (you like my sound effects? lol!)

An arrow came shooting down and nicked your ear and a strand of your (hair color) hair was pinned with the arrow on an oak tree behind you. Your stomach was turning and dropped. Someone just shot an arrow to your direction!

"GUYS! SOMEONE'S AT THE DOOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" An impatient voice was howling, making you jumped. A huge crowd of teens and even kids came out of what they were doing and sprinted toward you. You didnt know what to do. Could you run back home? What are you thinking, (___)?! Your little apartment was very far away! All the way to (hometown)! You didn't move a muscle, You felt like you were going to faint.

'Are you alright?' 'Where did you come from?" So many questions were spreading over the crowd. You could only manage to say was: "Nico diAngelo, he told me to go here." You really were about to faint now.

Just your luck, a horse rear appeared. But, oh, it wasn't just a horse. It was a centaur, You think! well, it was a man, with white hair and awesome beard. At that point you just could not function. You really don't remembered what it was called but it scared you enough to collapse on the hard ground and hope you didnt crack your head open.

Thank you, Nico diAngelo!

AN: hey! Umm, so that was the end of my little story! Fav, comment, and all that stuff! *sending virtual hugs to all who were patient in that 10 month long wait* thank you so much!

I Need You Now. (a Nico di Angelo x reader love story) *ONE SHOT*Where stories live. Discover now