Ncis: Friends By Work Lovers By Accident

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Chapter 1

(POV Narrator)

It was Hana Smith's first day at Ncis. She walks in to the squad room to find McGee doing computer stuff, Ziva cleaning her gun and Tony being a child like most days.

(POV Hana) I was just standing at the elevator when I thought I should find Agent Gibbs, i am about to walk in to the squad room when I slip on a piece of paper on the floor. I head my head on someone's desk and black out.

I wake up with Jimmy Palmer standing over me and Dr.Donald (Ducky) Mallard tending to my head wound. "Well my dear that was quit a fall." I hear Ducky say when he see's that my eyes are open. "Wow, that one way to make and entrance!" I respond sitting up on the cold metal slab under me. "My dear, I don't think we have meet, I am Dr. Donald Mallard, but my friends call me Ducky." He said offering his hand.

"It's nice to me you too doctor. And you are?" I said motioning to man on the other side if me. "Oh! Are you talking to me? Sorry my name is Jimmy Palmer." "Nice to meet you too Jimmy." I answered him when the rest of the team walked in.

"Autopsy gremlin what have you done to our newest recut?" Tony said, with Tim and Ziva snickering behind him. "Guys it's my fault I slipped on a piece of paper." I finally say and stand up at the same time. "We'll it's good to see that you aren't dead! That was a loud hit." Tony said with out keeping moving his eyes off me.

Something tells me I am in for it with this one! Then the one and only Leroy Jethro Gibbs walks in. I salute him and he does the same back. "At least some one knows some respect for a fellow Navy Captain!" This makes everyone stunned, but not Gibbs he smilies. "Wait I minute! Your a Navy Captain?" Tim final says. "Yes sir, I just resigned from the Navy I have been with them since I was 15."

"How do you get in to the navy at 15?" Ziva said looking suspicious. "My dad was in the navy and had me enter as soon as I finished school." "Wait so you finished school at 15?" Tony asked "Yup I finished high school at 11, and went to MIT then Harvard that summer." "Now that we have that settled can we get to the case?" Gibbs asked. "Of course boss, but one thing?" I answer him. "You don't have any gear go that." Now lets move.

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