HALF A WOLF episode 1

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A TEENAGER  named scott  plays hockey for his team do not thing he is the captain his best friend  Stiles he is much of a funny guy born in jan born the funniest SO after school Scott and Stiles were gone to the woods well Admin has astima he has a inhaler he uses it sometimes they were talking and walking they heard large noises they ran when they started running Scott's inhaler fall from his pocket then stiles got home and so did Admin and after sometime Scott realized that he did not have the inhaler with him than he looked in the woods in the night he red eyes he found his inhaler he graped it and ran the thing. The thing bited him on the right side of his body and he ran out of the woods. He came on the road, and car was coming and he thought that he's going to have ann accident and he looking at the driver's seat and he saw Stiles and then he looked at his bite and Stiles and Scott went inside the car and Stiles said good news i have a car +drivers license . Admin says ya ofcourse i can see that and Stiles like oooh ya and so Scott and Stiles went home . Scott felt a feeling that he was turning into and animal he took a shower and then he came out and saw that it was almost the full MOON . and then Admin's mother came said go to sleep and ya Scott  does not have a DAD . He got on bed and closed his so tight but after secs he slept after a hour he woke he was in the woods.


HALF  A WOLF episode 1Where stories live. Discover now