Chapter 1

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"Okay class time to partner up for your assignment." My teacher, Mr. Jackson, said and I immediately looked at my best friend, Johnny, and gave him the look that said 'partners'. He nodded and gave me his world famous smirk.

Me and Johnny have been best friends ever since Kindergarten when we got in trouble for getting in a fight and painting each other. Even then, he was the bad boy and I was the innocent little girl that just happened to always be right, and since he thought he was always right we had a lot to talk about.

"Please find your partner and sit down." Mr. Jackson announced. I moved over to my very lazy friend and sat down and he didn't even flinch. I poked him in the shoulder when Mr. Jackson started talking again, "okay class your assignment will be due next month but I'm going to need progress reports of the end of each week. You and your partner are going to invent a product and then write a persuasive paragraph telling me why I should want to purchase this product. So for the next 5 minutes you and your partner should talk about what you want to invent."

"So, Johnny, what do you want to invent?" I asked him even though I knew he couldn't care less about the project.

"I don't know yet but we should meet at my house to discuss the project.." he said seductively.

Since 5th grade Johnny has liked me and secretly I liked him too. "Okay but are your parents going to be there?" I asked him even though I knew the answer.

"When are my parents ever home?" He said as he kissed me and without thinking I kissed him back.

"Mr. Clark, Mrs. Taylor are you going to acknowledge the fact you are still in class?" Mr. Jackson said as me and Johnny pulled away. I immediately started blushing but him being, well, him, just bit his lip seductively. Wow, he is so sexy...


Johnny 's POV

"Hey babe" I said as Kenzi walked through my front door.

"I think I told you that I don't like being called babe..." she said sounding annoyed.

"Okay, let's start working on the project." I said even though I knew that she was expecting me to make a move.

"What, no let's go to the bedroom, or something like that?" Kenzi asked as she looked straight into my eyes.

Kenzi's POV

I was in such a bad mood, my boyfriend heard about the kiss in Mr. Jackson's class and dumped me, then my friends disowned me since none of them like that I'm such good friends with Johnny and they don't like the fact that we kissed.

"What, no let's go to the bedroom, or something like that?" I asked him but felt bad because I was being so mean to him and it wasn't only his fault...

"Umm.. well no. You seemed to be in a bad mood so I figured you wouldn't want to be bothered by me-" he started.

"If I didn't want to be bothered by you, then why would I even be here? I needed a shoulder to cry on, or at least a good friend to listen to me." I said trying to keep my voice as calm as possible.

"Well, there's one thing you left out that always cheers me up" Johnny said with a smirk.



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I hope you guys like this chapter, comment if you want me to continue writing or if you think I'm wasting my time.

If you want me to keep writing suggest names of other characters or things that should happen since I have no idea what I'm going to write next


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