The Plan

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                            's it going so far? I mean is it good, bad, terrible, or "I wanna gouge my eyes out because it sucks so badly right now?" C'mon, you gotta give me something here! Oh wait, you're on the other side of this story, so therefore, you're not in it! So, now, you officially know everyone that you need to know! Yay, we're all winners! Psyke! We won't be earning anything till we actually beat the game. Anyway, I think that we should get back to the story to see what progress we've made. Now who do you want to hear the story from? Mr. Isolated, Ms. "I drank WAY too much coffee today", or Ms. Short and clumsy pants? Now personally, I want to hear it from Akane. I feel it'll be more fun with her than with Kurai or even little Miss.Clumsy warrior. Wait a minute... I'M TELLING THE STORY! IT'S MY CHOICE! YAY! Oh how I love being the narrator and controlling what happens to everyone. Now that I think about it, it almost sounds like I'm Akahama. I feel so, EVIL. With this much power in my hands, there's no telling what I might do next. I command Akane to get me a drink, specifically Half & Half. That's where it's at now these days.

*Akane Komatsu

Hey Idiot! You do realize that we're in a game and well, you're not? Honestly, I ask them to find a young voice to tell our story and all they bring back is this?! This is very disappointing. I need to talk to whoever's in charge.


Well, it was worth a shot. But I'm telling you no one appreciates me around here these days. I mess up one time and now, everybody hates me. For example: I forgot to explain the ENTIRE game to you and now, Akane is holding it against me. Some people just don't know how to forgive and forget, but then again, I'm an Aries. Whoo!

*Akane Komatsu

Okay. I've had enough of this. This is not your moment to shine, Narrator. You're supposed to be telling the story that revolves around us, NOT you. I swear, I will pop out of this story just to knock some sense into your marble-sized brain.

Anyway, back to the story (by the way, Kurai, Kawa, and myself haven't met just yet). So because no one knew what to do about the problem now that we're stuck in this dimension, we had to meet in the center of the town to come up with a plan on how to get out of here(of course, the center of town looks like a courtyard). While we're at it, we needed to come up with a leader so that we could survive, because of this, we thought that beta testers that have played this game longer than any of us would be the best choice. However, since a lot of people shun them because they have a huge advantage over everybody else, they just decide to stay hidden. So one poor lost soul decided to become the leader of a group to possibly encourage others to fight alongside him. And it worked. Well, sort of. About 20 or so people went to see what it would be like(that includes me and Kurai. We've never met Nagareru. At least not yet anyway).

So our character who volunteered to be leader is Hibiki Izumi. Honestly, he looks like a leader to me. He has that kind of a leader stance, the way he holds himself up, especially with his cape blowing in the air (I could be blinded by the light that he's illuminating right now). Ok, moving on. Now that I've stop fangirling about him, let's talk about what our plan is in order to defeat the first stage monster. According to the guide book that every gamer should have gotten the very first time that they logged into the game, the first monster/opponent in some kind of beast that moves quickly with its tail and whiskers. Now there's more information, but unfortunately, I don't have that kind of info. However, the beta testers have more info and secret weapons that each monsters might possibly use during battle. But, luck for us, our leader is one. But, of course there will always be that one person who will never cope with people who are the key to their survival. THEIR FREAKING SURVIVAL! Now, who might be the stupid one who doesn't want to live another day? Well, I'll leave that up to your imagination.
Now while he's talking and we're brainstorming things out loud(Our beta tester leader), he comes up with an idea to defeat the monster, but in order to do that, we need to form alliances with each other(this is the part where Kurai and myself finally meet. It's about time). Our groups had to be in teams of at least two or three people, and since I didn't know anyone nor did I have a group to work with, I decided to work with this person who hadn't even begun to look for a group(Finally, the moment of truth). He was just sitting in the shadows, completely covered in darkness. This might be the point where you might think, "Ew! He's so weird." But in reality, he's just as nervous as everyone else. Heck, I'm shaking in my boots so much, that you would think that I was a rattlesnake. So here's when I should man up(or in this case, woman up) and start being more social, and I don't mean in a awkward way.

"Hey.", I croaked as my voice gave out. Dangit! You had one job. One job and you screwed it up. As I was berating at myself in my head(and no, I am not a crazy person. I'm just someone who scolds herself from time to time), I shyly gave him a weak smile that he returned with a concerned look. Oh ,great. Now I look like the freak of the town to him.

"So...why don't we work together? Form a group?" I recommended to him. Hopefully, this will make things less awkward.

"Sure. I guess that's ok.", he replied.

Are you serious?! It was that easy to talk to him?! Had I'd known this, I probably would have talked to him sooner.

"Cool! By the way, I'm Akane. What's yours?"

"Kurai. Kurai Ichigo. Nice to meet you." he voiced. But as he said that, his cheeks began to turn red. Awww! He's nervous! I did not expect that. He seems like the kind who wouldn't get flustered over little things like this. It was actually kind of cute how he was getting all red in his cheeks.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2016 ⏰

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