Chapter 23

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I kicked a rock with my foot and it went toppling along the forest floor, I swear Derek was so hard headed some times! I tried talking to him about Scott but he just got all defensive so I just took off and went for a walk through the woods. I don't get him sometimes! I pushed past a tree branch but it came back and whacked me in the back of the head, I let out a growl and turned around and ripped the branch from the tree and chucked it as far from where I was standing as far as I could.
"Bad day?" I jumped and turned around, only to see one of the twins standing there with his hands in his pockets, I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.
"Yeah... Guess you could say that." I sat down on the dirty ground ad patted next to me; telling him to sit next to me. "Your Ethan right? The one who didn't try to come onto me?" He smirked and nodded his head,
"Yeah um... I'm gay. So you don't have to worry about that." I smiled and him and dipped my head down and laughed slightly,
"That makes me feel a hell of a lot better." He smiled at me,
"So what's gotten you upset?" I shrugged me shoulders and he just gave me a look, "really? Because I just watched you rip a branch off a tree and throw it about 100 or more yards." I smiled a little at Ethan,
"Well... I have been blessed with the most hard headed mate in existence." I did a sideways smile at him and he gave me a sympathetic smile,
"Ooh... I'm sorry. What did he do?" I just shook my head,
"That's the thing... He didn't really DO anything. It's just him not LISTENING. I was talking to him about one of my friends and he just tensed up and walked out..." I laughed dryly and shook my head, "and then he has the nerve to get mad at ME for it all!" I growled and picked up and rocked at threw it as hard as I could at a tree - making the rock split into half. Ethan cringed slightly and ran a hand through his blonde hair,
"Well I'm sorry... And it sounds like talking wont really help." I sighed and nodded, "well what if you had one of your friends talk to him? Maybe if he heard it from someone besides you it would end up sticking in his head and get through to him." I looked at Ethan with a smile on my face,
"You know... That's a good idea... Here!" I handed him my cell "can I have your number? You seem like a nice guy." He smiled and handed me his phone ad I entered my name and number before smiling at the boy and heading back to my car, in a much happier mood then I was 20 minuets ago.
"So... You want ME to talk to Derek about everything he's doing wrong in your and his relationship?" There was a pause before Peter started to laugh, "and how did you think that will turn out?" I gave Peter a look,
"Well hopefully better then me telling him." Peter rolled his eyes before he picked up one of the rocks on the ground and fumbled with it in his hands, we were sitting outside on the grassy part in front of our apartment and I was trying to talk him into talking to Derek. "Please Peter? You're his uncle!" He growled something under his breath,
"And how did you come up with this marvelous idea?" He asked sarcastically,
"A friend gave me the idea." I kept my gaze straight forward,
"And what bonehead gave you THAT idea? And have they never met Derek?" I rolled my eyes,
"It doesn't matter Peter. Will you please just talk to him?!" I snapped at him, he raised his eyebrows at me and smirked.
"Well if it means that much to you... 20 bucks and I'll do it." My mouth dropped open,
"What are you? 12?! Are you really making me PAY you to do this?" He smiled a satisfied smile and nodded his head,
"Yup," he popped the 'p', "and I'd jump at that offer... Who knows if I might want to make it a 20." I glared at Peter as I fished around in my pockets and pulled out a 10 and a 5,
"Uh... I only have 15, can you make change?"
"Nope." An he grabbed my money and walked back inside, my eyes widened,
"WHAT THE HELL PETER?!" I yelled back at the already closed door.

~Allison's POV~

I gripped Scott's back as he pressed me down on the bed and slowly removed himself from me.
I was panting hard and was he, he slowly rolled over onto his back and we both stared up at the ceiling.
"Is... Is this right?" I looked over at Scott and he looked back at me,
"What do you mean?" He asked, rolling over onto his side to face me better,
"Us having all this... Make up break up sex... Or just sex." He scrunched his brow together in confusion,
"Well... I mean it feels right to ME... Does it not to you?" I sighed and pulled the sheets up over my chest,
"I just feel like we should be together if we're having sex." I saw a glint of hope flair up in Scott's eyes,
"So... Are you saying you want to get back together?" I bit my lip,
"I... I don't know..." And then the hope was gone. I felt like a total bitch. Scott went to get off the bed but I grabbed his arm, "but I'll think about it." E smiled at me and placed a kiss on my lips, brushing my hair back slightly.
'Take as long as you need." He whispered out before he pulled his clothes back on and was out my window in a flash,
"Yeah.... I'm sure as hell going to think about it.... Alot." I smiled to myself before pulling some yoga pants on and an over sized sweatshirt with a cat face on it... I thought it was kinda ironic.
I walked down the stairs and saw my dad was on the phone with someone... Oh! That must be why Scott left in such a hurry! I smiled as my dad turned to me and silently wave to me before going back to his call, I went over to the fridge and pulled out some cookies that I had made last night and munched on one and I flipped through Facebook, but suddenly something made my blood run cold. I locked my phone and I ran upstairs to my room, I flung the door open and got knocked in the back of the head. Before my vision went black a man hovered over me and gripped my face between his hand,
"Hello princess. Don't mind us. When you wake up were going to have a talk." And his blurry face was replaced by darkness, but not before I let out one last scream. Hoping to be saved.


*Marceys POV*

I rolled my eyes at Scott and leaned back into Isaac's lap,
"You are so dramatic Scott! I don't see why your freaking out! She clearly is going to get back with you! When I talked to her earlier today she seemed pretty content wanting to be with you... So I doubt she's suddenly going to change her mind!" Even though what I just said made almost zero to no sense to ME it seemed to make perfect sense to Scott... But I guess that's all that matters.
Isaac and Scott have been keeping me company while Derek and Peter went for a "walk" but I knew that in reality Peter was going to talk to Derek, and I was very grateful...but I also gave him my 15 bucks so he better damn well preach that shit to the mother fucking CHOIR for that much money!
"Yeah.. Thanks Marcey... So how about you and Derek?" I mentally rolled my eyes,
"He's being an ass right now... But I expect that much so it's nothing new really." Both the boys grinned at me and I hopped up, "you two want some lemon aid?" I asked as I made my way to the fridge,
"Yeah-wait!" I looked over to Scott on curiosity. "It's Allison.... She's in trouble." I scrunched my eyebrows together,
"Well you did say her dad got home while you were just finishing up... Maybe she was-"
"No. I mean is in trouble. Big trouble." I started to feel panicked as I rushed and grabbed my jacked and Vans and rushed over to the door,
"Then lets light a match under both y'all asses as let's GO!" And they both hopped up and we hopped in Derek's car because it was faster and we took off at 90 down to Allison's house.... Only to find police all over the property.

GOD I FEEL LIKE A BITCH! I'm sorry it's short AND a cliffhanger!! Sorry!
But remember to jump on the contest I haven't gotten much applicants! So HURRY HURRY!!!(:
IF anyone's interested in mashing up stories (like a mash up story) for an Isaac fanfic I am TOTALY up for that!!! (: just email me the details and shit(: love you all

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