Chapter 43

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*Cora's POV*

My fists pounded into his back; fast and powerful, I saw him cringe slightly after every blow.
"Why." punch "did." punch "you" punch "lie." punch "about Marcey." punch "being your." punch "mate?!" punch. The finial punch I used all my energy and slammed him hard,
"I didn't want to. it just happened." Derek mumbled, I let out an aggravated scream before punching him multiple times again.
"But Derek, you drove her away! What was the gain in that! tell me! because I would love to know!" I said, my voice desperate for a reason.
"I didn't have a gain!" he breathed out, sounded pained by his own voice. my face scrunched up slightly in annoyance,
"Mom and dad would be disappointed." I growled out, I went to turn away but Derek caught my arm and whirled me around.
"DONT YOU DARE SAY HOW MOM AND DAD WOULD FEEL ABOUT THIS!" He screamed in my face, my eyes turned to slits as I glared at him.
"DEREK ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO YOURSELF?! YOUR A MESS! AND IF MOM AND DAD WERE ALIVE THEY WOULDN'T BE THE ONLY ONES DISAPPOINTED IN YOU!" I snapped back, Derek's eyes turned cold, "some 'great' alpha you are." I grumbled as I turned and walked down the hallway to my room, I heard the door busy open and i turned and saw Jessica standing in the doorway panting, she shook her head.
"She's loosing it. Marcey's loosing it." I looked at her bewildered for a second,
"What do you mean?" I asked, my eyes flickering to Derek for a second; who was looking like he was having a mental debate on if he should stick around to hear or not.
"Isaac and Scott got into a fight on the field... she totally just exploded on them and practically dragged them into her office, then when she was leaving she just broke down in her car." Her eyes flashed to Derek. "you need to fix this. I know your Both stubborn, but you're both just breaking one another's hearts." she turned and walked to the other side of the apartment where her room was, I sighed; glad someone thought the same way as me, I just smirked at Derek as I closed my bedroom door.

*Marcey's POV*

When I pulled up to my dad's house I was surprised to find another car there.
"The hell?" I mumbled, I quickly looked in my mirror a cleaned up the makeup that was running down my face and quickly applied a refresher coat of eyeliner and mascara that I keep in my glove compartment.
When I felt that I had made myself look nice again and you couldn't tell I had been crying, I opened the car door and gently shut it. not wanting to make a lot of noise I then crept inside the house, all the lights were off so I followed the sound of laughter all the way up to my dad's bedroom,
I mentally braced myself as i gently swung the door open, shocked to find my dad and a pretty blonde; who had to be the same age as him, just sitting in his bed drinking wine and talking.
"Oh... uh..." I stuttered out, "I can come bak later?" I asked, my dad and the woman looked at me alarmed.
"Oh, Marcey!" my dad said, standing up and straightening his posture out. "I thought you were still going to be at lacrosse practice?" he asked, seeming slightly nervous, but the blonde's face perked right up at the mention of my name.
"Marcey? oh it's nice to see you... you play lacrosse?" I looked at her questionably,
"Er... no. I coach?" but it came out more as a question. she nodded her head and took a long sip of her wine,
"Well it's nice to meet you! I've been bugging your dad for a long time to meet you. I presume you the same?" she let out a laugh, I laughed with he but it was one of those 'haha... who the fuck are you again?' type laughs.
I looked over at my dad,
"But anywas. practice gets over at 5:30." I said blankly, his eyes flashed over to the clock, 6:15
"Oh... so you're late?" he asked, I just rolled my eyes.
"Nice to meet you." I said politely to the blonde- who I have yet to learn her name- and I just glared at my dad as I walked out of his room and down the room to my own.

I laid down on my bed and stared with a blab stare at the wall as the tears ran unemotionally down my face.
I rolled over onto my other side after a few minuets and looked over at my window when I noticed a sticky note on it,
I stood up and made my way over to the note and a powerful smell of familiar cologne hit my nose as I peeled the paper off and looked at it and read it,
'They always used to help you sleep when you were sad before... hope it helps now.'
I looked over to my chair at my desk and saw a pair of basketball shorts and a hoodie. I immediately felt my hear break a little, but non the less I slipped my clothes off and put them on, taking in a deep breath and letting all the memories flood back into my mind.

Lost in lust -Derek Hale love story *finished*Where stories live. Discover now