Chapter 2

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Two months had passed since Erik had begun to visit Midnight every night. His life had begun to solely revolve around those thirty minutes where he spent in the company of her. It was strange how a fallen woman could make him feel closer to heaven then he ever had in his whole life. Both of them quietly skirted her occupation, never mentioning it all. Neither of them wanted to remember it. Personally, he was growing exceptionally possessive of her and the thought of another man touching her beautiful body was more than he could even fathom without wanting to strangle every single member of the male population who had defiled her.

He had even gone so far as to give her a completely different name. Ruby wasn't her true name (he was sure of that) so he had no pang of conscience when he gave her another. It was no doubt that the name Ruby had been given her because of her hair. So, he gave her the name Midnight after her eyes and the time when he usually came to see her.

But it was in those eyes that he had seen the change as time had passed. The first time he had ever been in her rooms, her midnight blue eyes had sparkled with joy and light. Now, they were dull and their beauty quickly fading. Her hair was losing its luster and her skin its healthy sheen.

He desperately wanted to take her away from the brothel. But, would a life with a monster be any better? She didn't know of his obsessive habits, of his tendencies towards anger, of the danger that was presented by being near him for long periods of time. No, she was probably safer there. At least his music brought back some of the light in her eyes. He would compose beautiful, happy piece for her on the violin.

She would be happy for the brief half-hour he was able to spend in her company. And, with that in mind, picked up his violin and walked up through the five stories of his Opera House and onto the empty streets. It was a short five-minute walk to the house of ill repute and it was a walk he found himself making in shorter and shorter time the longer he went to see her.

He was even becoming well known at the brothel. Whenever he walked in and paid for his half-hour there was a buzz of conversation among any standing around at the moment. Even Midnight had mentioned that some of the other girls had asked her who her nightly visitor was and why the sounds of a violin would come from the room instead of the normal trademark sounds.

Bless her, she had never said a word to anyone. She was as silent as the grave when it came to anything shared behind the closed door of her bedroom. Along with the one of discretion, she also had many other pleasing traits. Honesty and propriety were certainly two. Despite her less than respectable job, she still had propriety and manners. That appealed to him. In fact, it appealed a little more than he felt he should admit.

Erik had, long ago, resigned himself to loving her. Erik didn't wear his heart on his sleeve. Truth be told, he had never loved anyone. Love was a feeling he had always told himself he would never give and most assuredly never receive. Therefore, he had uprooted even the beginnings of love. But, with Midnight, it came so easy to love her.

It was yet another reason for him not to take her away. No girl would want to be stuck with a love-sick monster who was groveling at their feet and happy to perform any task no matter how menial for even the slightest touch or semblance of acceptance. He knew himself well enough to know that was how it would be. He couldn't live in a house, alone, with her and not want something more than polite distance between them. Yes, she was safer at the brothel. He could see her and keep an eye on her but she wouldn't be in danger of his wrath and desires, both equally sickening.

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Ruby sat, cross-legged, on her bed with her warm dressing gown wrapped tightly around her. Every now and then, she glanced up at the mirror to make sure the makeup was hiding the bruises. Last night had been a trial for her. Her client preferred things a little rougher than most and ended up leaving bruises on her face, neck, and a pair of hand print bruises on both her wrists. There were bruises other places but her dressing gown covered them well enough. Subconsciously she knew not to show such things to Erik. She was sure he had never meant to let it on but she could tell he was growing more and more possessive of her. The sight of bruises on her body would certainly send him into a rage, not something she wanted to see.

A Girl of Many Names (Phantom of the Opera) (Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now