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"Have a nice day." Dan said, handing the customer a receipt.

He yawned and stretched along the countertop, rubbing his eyes until they were as red as tomatoes. He envisaged life with his own room, and privacy. Coming from a poor family, Dan learned to be grateful for every good thing that happened to him.

"Daniel, can you at least pretend you're not tired? We have to seem approachable, not some tired, poverty stricken people trying to sell pastries!" Dan's mom snapped, refilling the tray of pumpkin pasties.

Dan muttered something inaudible and took a sip of his tea. Any form of caffeine would help at the moment.

The Howell Family's bakery was in a small town, near a great big park. They all slept in one small room upstairs of their shop. Dan's desire for nobody from school to come to their shop was longing. People finding out he slept on only a mattress and thin blanket, and only had 6-7 outfits was horribly embarrassing, and horrifying.

Dan's job was being a cashier, which was neither the worst or best job in the world. He believed his parents gave him this job because his lack of responsibility and/or his clumsiness, which would've had a great impact on the taste of the pastries, and teas/coffees.
"Hey baby! How was school?" Phil's mom greeted Phil, vivaciously as he waltzed through the door.

"It was alright."

"Glad to see it wasn't all that horrid. Meeks has been waiting for you all day. Misses you." Mrs. Lester smiled at the dog, padding circles around the black haired boy.

Phil laughed, and picked up the small dog, nuzzling his nose into it's golden fur.

"Hello Philip, got homework to do? Projects yet?" Mr. Lester asked, opening the door to Phil's room slightly ajar.

Phil shook his head and laid his head back onto his pillow.

Soon sleep overtook him, as his eyes became heavier and he drifted off to a deep slumber.

He was woken by his vexatious brother, yelling at his tv screen.

"Oh hello Martyn, fancy seeing you here." Phil said, with a slight raspiness in his voice.

Martyn grunted a response and stomped out the room. Phil was unfazed by Martyn's behavior, and decided to go on a stroll.

He passed by the park, and small family-run shops, in which he saw a familiar face. Phil furrowed his eyebrows, and squinted for a closer look. All black clothes, side swepted hair much like his just in a cocoa color. Was his name Diego? Derek?

Phil proceeded into the shop. The walls were baby blue with white trim. The two tables were spruce, and the display case holding an abundance of sweets was clear as day. Phil's eyes riveted to the cashier's nametag. Daniel.

The guy looked quite sheepish, though Phil wondered why. The bakery was beautiful and looked like it was running well. He decided to order something, since he thought it was rude to just walk in and say,"Hey you are in my school!" And not buy anything.

"I-I would like um, hmm, a pumpkin pasty and three lemon cakes." Phil smiled slightly at the boy, who didn't make any effort to show emotion nor make eye contact.

"Here." He handed Phil the pastries in a white bag, and the receipt, "Have a nice day."

"You too. See you at school?" Phil replied, but the chocolate haired boy already went through the doors to the kitchen.
Dan was horrified to say the least. His worst nightmare had come true. He didn't need to look twice at the customer to know he was from school, though he barely knew the blue eyed boy.

Balls of sweat dripped down the sides of his face. Man, we need to get a better AC system, Dan thought.
A/N: Dobama will rise, while Dan and Phil are in Washington.

Can I just say Dangerous Woman is literally so good, omg. Hope you guys liked this chapter. I actually like really like this story wowza!!

 I actually like really like this story wowza!!

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Okay, bye guys! Love youu <3

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