Chapter Two: What Do You Know

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Chapter Two:

What Do You Know

"Well everything you told me." she said pointing to Kegan.

"What did you tell her?" Marion asked Kegan in a rushed voice.

"Just that I had powers." replied Kegan.

"Have you told anyone?" Bea asked Gloria in a polite voice noticing that she was terrified of Marion.

"No, Kegan told me not to tell anyone so I didn't."

"Thank goodness." mentioned Marion, with relief in his voice.

"What why?" Gloria said in a worried voice.

"We don't know if this thing is common in teens or not. So I need all of your guy's number in case anything pops up and I will give you guy's my number for the same reason."

Gloria then blurted out, "407-899-0952."

Then Bea wrote the number down.

"407-899-2339" They knew it wasn't Marion so Bea wrote it down as Kegan. Then Bea wrote down her own number, 407-899-3212.

"Okay now yours Marion." Bea said ready to write.

"695-233-7392" He replied. Then Bea wrote each number down three more times and handed each person one.

"Okay now get out of my house, my father will be arriving any minute and I don't want to throw this all on him at once." Then everyone left.

Only minutes after they left Marion's dad walked and asked Marion about the kids running away from the apartment complex.

"Oh I don't know, did they look my age?"

"Yea they look about your age. but anyways how was school?"

"My day was really good, and I made a new friend and he lives in the apartment complex. His name is Kegan. He lives in apartment number 33."

"Oh that is very cool, are you guys ever going to hang out?"
"Yea I got his number."

"That's great, why don't you call him up see if he wants to come over for dinner?"

"Okay sounds great!" Then Marion called Kegan and told him that his dad didn't know about the meeting before he got home ten asked him to come over for dinner. Kegan said that he could come over for dinner, then Marion went and told his dad that Kegan was coming over for dinner, so they set up for one more person. When Kegan got to their house dinner was 15 minutes from being done. Kegan had met Marion's dad for the first time and he made it a very good first impression. Then they sat down for dinner.

During dinner they ate Mac n' Cheese with hot dogs mixed in it. "Sorry, we don't have much for food we just moved." Marion's dad said with sympathy in his voice.

"It's actually really good, I've never eaten it before. I'll have to tell my mom that it's really yummy and quick to make, you know with her being a single parent and all!" Kegan replied.

"It's one of my favorites." Marion said adding some hope to his dad's day. "Okay every night at dinner we do this thing, we tell our favorite part of the day and if you learned something interesting in that day you tell it." He said explaining to Kegan. "I'll go first, my favorite part of the day is that I made some new friends." He then exchanged smiles to his dad and Kegan. Then he nodded at his dad to go next.

"My favorite part of the day was coming home to my kiddo and seeing that he had a good first day."

Then Kegan figured it was his turn after they had both went and he was the last one at the table to go. "My favorite part of the day was finally making a friend after a year of being here."

Then they finish their dinners with many different conversations in progress. When they were finished with dinner Kegan and Marion went into Marion's room.

"So your dad, he's really cool."

"Yea but he doesn't know about..... you know us!"

"What are we dating?"

"NOOOO! Are you kidding me, that's gross. I mean about you having powers."

"Oh well he knows you have powers right?"
"Well of course!"

"Then why can't he know about me?!?!?!?"

"Because his emotional level is high and I don't think he's ready for something like this."

"Oh, okay I understand with your mom and the move and everything."

"What my mom left along time ago because my powers she thought I was a freak."

"Oh I though she may of passed away!"

"Okay what made you think that? Just because my mom is gone doesn't mean she died. I mean it's like she dead, she never talks to me. I don't even know her name. We don't even have a picture together. She left when I was three months old, not even old enough to get family pictures. When a bolt of "lightning" was shot out of my foot, when I "kicked" air."

"That's crazy. She is nuts, because as far as I know you are an amazing person."
"Thanks that means alot to me." Marion said with a slight smile, "Alright, you best be getting home. I'll walk you."

"No need, thanks though." Then Kegan left, and Marion felt like he made a true friend, in what felt like years. After Kegan left Marion took a shower and got ready for bed. He was reading in bed and thought, 'Tomorrow I am ready to start fresh.' After that his dad walked in and told him lights out and good night. Then Marion went to bed happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2016 ⏰

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