Chapter 8

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It felt like years had past since I seen Phil and it had only been a week. Law school is very boring I never really wanted to do it but it would make my father proud. Looking at the books, than checking Instagram. Phil had went to a party. He looked drunk and was having a great time.

Phil took Filming, movie, and more crazy things. While I was in law school, yay. We had planned that I would come over tomorrow, if he isn't hungover badly. I got some sleep knowing he was having fun, with out me.

The next day I got up and tried to look my best and ran out the door to the car. Phil hadn't answered any of my text, he is probably still asleep. After taking the long drive I had made it.

I nocked on the door, Phil opened it. He looked tired from last night.

"Hey" as he rubbed his eyes.

" okay?" He looked at me slowly.

"Mmmmhuh" he nodded and slowly began to shut his eyes. I looked at my phone

"Dan, I missed you a lot" I looked up to see him looking at me with a devilish smile.

I felt my face get warmer "I missed you too" I tried not to look at him, turring my head away. I felt his hand cup my chin and kiss me passionately. I kissed him back, for three weeks I have waited for this moment. He walked me into his room, while we where still making out I fell onto the bed, because of me tripping over something.

I could feel the warmth in his lips. The kiss got longer. He stopped he tugged on my shirt. I nodded as he pulled it off. We started to kiss again when he pushed me down, now he was on top of me. I pulled off his shirt. He stared to kiss me on the nape of my neck leaving marks behind. I could feel his hard member rubbing against mine making me want more.

He began to take off my pant and through them on the floor as he did the same to his. His fingers pulled slowly down on my boxers.

"Phil," he hesitated and looked at me "it' first time."

He smiled "Don't worry, I know what I'm doing." He kissed me more as he took my boxers off. He bit his lip and took off his boxers, than opened the night stand drawer, he pulled out a bottel of lube. I could feel my heart beat faster, as he put some on his fingers.

He put one finger in slowly. I felt it and winced trying to get use to the feeling was hard. He started slowly going in and out making me buck my hips to cause friction. He kissed me as he slipped in the second finger, making me moan even louder.

"Faster." I could feel him building up a little speed. He got deeper finally hitting the spot.
"Just..fu-ck me now, Phil!" I yelled, moaning when he pulled his fingers out and rubbing lube on his hard dick. He pushed it in slowly, my nails dug into the bed sheets. He slowly began to pick up the pace making us moaning.

He slammed into me harder hitting my postrate every time.

"P-hil I'm" I moaned louder.

"Me to-o" He kept going until we both realesed. He clasped on the bed both of us trying to catch are breath.

"I-'ll get a towel." He got up. He came back with the towel "here you go Howell" he laughed

"Oh bloody hell, really Phil you had to make that joke." I rolled my eyes. We cleaned are ourselves up.

Phil's phone buzzed "wonder who could that be?" As Phil picked up the phone. "My mom text she said she wants us to meet her and dad at dinner!" He looked shocked.

"What time?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Only enough to get dressed and meet them there." We got up and ran getting dressed in a hurry to go. We got in the car and left.

The restaurant was amazing and classes. I never knew Phil's parents where this rich!

"Dammm, this place is spectacular." he laugh and grabbed my hand locking it in with mine.

"Hey guys" Phil said as we sat down together.

"Awww look at the two little love birds, so cute aw dressed up." Phil's mom squealed.

"Heheh thank you mom" as I turned a little red trying to hided (it) the best.

"Hi, can I get you all something to drink." I knew that obnoxious voice I looked up the red hair, her curvy skinny body, she was pretty but a bitch, Amber.

"Umm water." Phil said shaking in shock.

"Okay and for yo- oh my goooddd Phil wow it is really breath taking to see you hear, dressed like that" looking him up and down "and you must be his parents nice to meet you" she had a big fake ass smile "what can I get for you two"

They said what they wanted and she wrote it down "and, for you." Not even trying to make eye contact with me.

"Water." She wrote it down and ruffled Phil's hair, I watch her walk away. "Maybe I should give it to her thirsty self " I mumbled to Phil.

"I don't know if I'm going to hold you back or cheer you on if you fight her" he chuckled quietly.

It was amazing how quickly she came back with are drinks. We ordered are food while she couldn't stop flirting with Phil. Then she walked away. We chatted about college, the distance away from us, and everything else to get it off are shoulders. We ate and where about to leave.

I saw Phil's mom leave a tip on the table. £5 for what being her shitty self. He's parents hugged us and said goodbye then walked outside and we where left there.

"Hey Phil" she had more makeup on than before "I haven't seen you in a long time can I get a hug"she bit her lip. Oh she was good at making me want to slap her across the face.

"Oh how desperate are you?" She looked at me in shocked " I looks like a lot since you have to flirt with a gay guy right in front of his boyfriend." She was angry

"You're just jealous cause I can sweat talk him better than you" she stomped her foot down with a smirk across her face. That's it! I slapped the smirk right off of her making her step back a bit.

"And you can't open you eyes and see he doesn't want you" I stormed out of the place as Phil fallowed. "I hate her I really do."

"Well who knew you could hit like that." as we got in to the car and drove home.

"Uhh what a day" laying in Phil's colorful bed spread.

"Yep" Phil covered us up wrapping me in his warmth of cuddles.

"This could last for ever."

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