Chapter I: Her

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It was almost dusk: eventide. Noctis had just a bit of time to himself before he had to attend only one of the things he dreaded. Meetings. This one, just so happened to have a little before and after-party, and thanks to Noctis' father, he had to attend both. Practically anything that required Noctis to socialise with others, he detested. He would not like to consider himself an introvert and unsociable every time somebody like Ignis would point it out to him, but he knows it, although he denies it. As Prince, and heir to the Lucian throne, although he hates them, he takes his duties very seriously, but can at times be neglect them if he doesn't agree. It's just a matter of time before he will have to take the place of King Regis, when the time comes. As much as Regis wishes for Noctis to not suffer from the burdens of becoming king, it is inevitable.

So, with all of these duties that he will have to fulfill, this comes with the package. This was Noctis' first social event in a while, therefore he didn't have much right to complain, in which he'd sometimes do to Ignis (in particular). Although, he is trying to minimise his light grouches, now that he is finally maturing.

Noctis took a glance to the clock upon his bedroom wall, and sighed briefly afterwards. He knew he had to get ready soon, and lounging around could come later. Noctis leaned forward to stand, and dusted the back of his cropped trousers and made his way to his wardrobe. He barely had any clothes, and the ones he did have were all in black, with the exception of his white shirt for formal occasions like this one. His father, Regis, attempted to brighten his dress code, but tenacious Noctis wasn't having it, so he learnt to deal with it and left the young man be.

He took the white shirt from his silly excuse of a prince's wardrobe and threw it upon his bed. He found his black blazer that had been untouched for probably weeks, that had camouflaged in between his vast array of black clothing. Throwing his blazer and tie onto the pile along with the shirt, followed by the black trousers, he closed his wardrobe and brought his clothes into the shower room with him. He liked to wash before he went to a social event, as he'd probably be too tired to wash when he came back, and he treasures his slumber time dearly.

* * *

"Noctis," called Ignis from outside of his washroom, tapping lightly onto the glassy door with the back of his index finger. "I heard you turn on the shower a good half hour ago, I believe it's best that you get dressed. You have under an hour to be ready." Ignis suggested, in his always polite manner. Noctis liked to spend long times in the shower. He usually gets lost within his own thoughts, and the hot steam and warm atmosphere makes it hard to leave. He could most likely spend an hour in the shower before thinking of washing and getting out. "Have you any patience, Ignis?" Noctis retaliated, becoming frustrated that he had to rush himself now.

To his left was the lavished bar of soap, which was made from his much-loved ingredient: mint. It was easy to get natural resources in Lucis, and mint has always been his favourite. Although, he did also like earthy smells. He rubbed the lather across his body, but was rushed into doing so as he knew that Ignis was waiting just outside for him.

Once he was rinsed, Noctis turned the nob to halt the flow of water and then padded himself dry. Noctis met with Ignis back in his bedroom only a few minutes later. He continued to pad his hair dry, and took a seat on his bed. "Were you sleeping in the shower, Noctis?" Ignis questioned, then straightening a crease in his blazer. "No," he responded with an aggravated tone. This was normal for Ignis to hear from Noctis. "We have fifty minutes to get into Crystallum. You wouldn't want to be late," Ignis stated, folding his arms and taking Noctis' towel from his shoulders to put away. "Fifty minutes to get to the before-party, not the official meeting." Noctis corrected him, Ignis then re-adjusted his glasses slightly. "You do realise that we have to be there at the before-party, right? To greet the people?" Ignis asked. Noctis stood up, walking past his royal adviser. "I'm well aware," he suggested, leaving Ignis alone in his bedroom. The man could only shake his head and sigh to himself at the adolescent behavior of Noctis, recently. But, he knew that when it came to situations like those, Noctis would always be considered 'moody' or 'hormonal', which in some cases, he were.

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