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It isn't Hugh's first time at the Battle Subway, but he's still feeling nervous. There's that uneasy feeling at the pit of his stomach that won't go away. He walks past the pink line, unable to make up his mind on what he'd like to do today.

And then he sees it. The orange line. He hasn't had a multi battle since – well, her, but he knows he has to get back in the saddle. So he enters the Multi Train Subway.

However, the guard is quick to inform him that he'll need a friend to accompany him. Hugh sighs. Today is just not his day.

That's how Hugh meets Nate. Nate, another Pokémon trainer looking for a partner, suggests that he and Hugh team up and take on the train together. At first Hugh doesn't like the idea. He doesn't do multi battles with anyone besides her. But then he reminds himself – back on the saddle. So he nods. Yes, he will take on the Multi Train with Nate.

"Alright," says Nate, once the two shake hands. "What kind of Pokémon should I use?"

Hugh shrugs. "How the hell should I know? Use what you like."

Nate frowns. "Huh. My previous partners always tell me what kind of Pokémon to use."

Hugh can feel his temper rising, and it's not good. He's always had an extremely short fuse for people like Nate. He knows that if Nate continues to annoy him, he'll 'unleash his rage' on him. And it won't be pretty.

"Then maybe you should go battle with your previous partners then," he says irritably. He shoves his hands in his pockets and starts to walk away.

"Wait!" calls Nate. He pulls Hugh into the train. "No need to get upset. I've decided to focus on balance."

Hugh grunts. They enter the first car to face their first opponents, a rich boy and a Pokéfan. The four trainers release their Pokémon.

Hugh's Bouffalant hits the Pokéfan's Vullaby hard with Wild Charge, causing it to faint instantly. However, Nate Alomomola falls asleep thanks to the rich boy's Foongus.

"Maybe Mr. Medal should give you a medal," says Hugh snidely. "For picking such strong Pokémon."

Instead of being offended, Nate looks surprised. "Who's Mr. Medal?" he says.

Hugh bites his tongue. The last thing he wanted to do was talk about her. "This guy," he replied, signaling his Bouffalant to hit the opponent's Timburr. "He used to give my – friend – medals for the dumbest stuff. Like riding a bike or visiting the Pokémon Center."

Nate smiles, his Krookodile practically destroying the opposing Roggenrola. "Maybe your friend was really good at riding bikes and visiting the Pokémon Center."

"She was," says Hugh, as he and Nate walk towards the computer to heal their Pokémon. He doesn't want to talk about her, but at the same time he can't help himself.

"Was?" questions Nate curiously. They enter the next car, facing a preschooler and another Pokéfan.

Hugh sighs. He realizes that by the end of their streak this annoying boy is going to know everything about her. "I lost her," he says shortly. He can't think of any other way to put it.

"Lost?" Nate presses on. His Krookodile bites the opponent's Reuniculus hard. "You mean you aren't friends with her anymore? What happened? Did you fall in love with her or something?"

Hugh shakes his head. No. He's not going to talk about her. "It's a long story," he says, hoping Nate will get the hint and drop it.

But Nate doesn't get the hint. So he doesn't drop it. "We're both strong trainers," he insists. "We can take on all the trainers on this train without breaking a sweat. We have time."

Hugh sighs again. Before he knows it, he finds himself telling Nate their story. From the beginning, when they both met...

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