Memories of First Dates

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"Yancy," blurts Nate.

"What?" asks Hugh, confused. He has just spent two battles telling this boy about his first fight with Rosa, and this is how he reacts?

"That's her name," says Nate. He bites his lip. "You asked me who was calling. Her name is Yancy."

"Oh-kay?" Hugh is still confused. He wonders why Nate and telling him this. Does he have nothing to say about the story? "And, uh, why are you ignoring her?"

Nate's hands ball into fists. "I have my reasons," he says quietly.

Hugh shrugs. A part of him is dying to know what happened between Nate and Yancy. But another part of him can tell that Nate doesn't want to talk about it. Whatever happened must have really upset him to have him look as sad as he does right now.

"Hey," Hugh places his hand on Nate's shoulder. Together, they walk towards the station at the end of another seven battle streak, bringing their total up to 14. "It gets better. Believe me."

Nate gives Hugh a sideways glance. "Did things get better between you and Rosa?"

Hugh gives him a sad smile. "It did..."

"Yay!" cries Nate happily, jumping in the air.

"...for a while." finishes Hugh.

"Oh." Nate looks crestfallen.

"But the important part is, things did get better." Hugh continues with his story.

Five months ago

Hugh tapped his foot impatiently as he waited for his Pokémon to heal. He was leaning against the Pokémon Center counter, watching everyone around with disinterested red eyes. His team had been exhausted taking on grunt after grunt in the Plasma Frigate. Luckily, he had the help of Rosa and Cheren, the Aspertia City Gym Leader.

True to her word, Rosa had had his back whenever he took on Team Plasma. The blue-eyed girl was getting alarmingly strong. Although Hugh was proud of her, he couldn't help wondering when he was going to reach to her level. He worked hard, training his Pokémon whenever he could, but it always seemed like he was never as good as her.

Speaking of the devil, Rosa had entered the Pokémon Center was standing before him, hands on her hips.

He rolled his eyes. "What?"

"I just realized," she said icily. "That you-" she stuck her finger in his chest. "-never showed up to any of my movies!" She moved closer to him so that her nose was inches away from his.

"Uh..." said Hugh, not knowing what else to say. The fact that Rosa was in his face was making him extremely nervous and he couldn't think straight. His face turned red.

"I've" he stuttered, his heart thumping in his chest. He hoped she couldn't feel it.

She puffed her cheeks. Even though she was angry, Hugh found it incredibly cute. "Excuses," she snarled. "Well, you're not getting away this time, mister. You're coming with me for the premiere of Full Metal Cop."

Hugh bit his tongue to keep himself from blaring expletives at her. How could he tell her that he had no interest in watching movies? Rosa had invited him to all her movies so far and he had a sizeable collection of unused tickets in his backpack. The reason he didn't watch her movies wasn't that he was busy, as he claimed to be. It was because movies were incredibly lame and a waste of time. He would rather be training then spend two hours with his eyes stuck to a big screen.

Then again, maybe it couldn't hurt to watch one movie. Especially if Rosa was in it.

Besides, it didn't seem like she was going to let him escape this time.

Everlasting Memories (Pokémon Hugh X Rosa)Where stories live. Discover now