The Football Player vs. Me

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My name is Emerald Greywater. I'm 14 years old and going into my first year of high school. We have three Junior Highs so, this'll be another bunch of random kids I don't know.

I walked into my first period class-- history. What a boring way to start off the day. I slid into a random seat in the front and opened my backpack, looking for something to read.

"Welcome to Malibu!" A voice boomed. I jumped in my seat and saw a short lady coming from behind a curtain. "Your in my favorite seat! High-five!" she shouted, smiling.

Someone's had too much caffine... I thought. She was very bouncy and kept pointing at people and squealing. I squirmed in my seat and looked behind me, trying to avoid the high teacher. Then I saw... him.

He walked in with his chest puffed out a bit and he looked almost as bored as I was. His chesnut hair was spiked up a bit in the front and his brown eyes scanned the room, looking for an empty seat. He picked one in the back, just a few seats away from mine. I jerked around, not wanting anyone to see me staring at him. I just couldn't stop though. Even though he was just your ordinary, typical guy, he just seemed so... beautiful.

The rest of the period passed without much excitment, except the high teacher ran around squealing and laughing a high pitched squeal. When the bell rang, he was the first one out. I still didn't know his name, but I knew it'd be nice to know.

My next period was math class, and I sprinted there, driven on the fear of being late. I slid into a seat, close to the back, watching the door. He came in and my eyes were practically bulging out when he sauntered over to the front, just a few desks away from mine.

When the math teacher, whose name I learned to be Mrs. Bee, called attendance, I heard his voice for the first time. It was just as beautiful as he was. But his name was the one that stunned me. It was Derren. "Okay," Mrs. Bee said, clapping her hands. "I want you to partner up with the person sitting next to you." I looked to my side and saw a small, hunched over goth-looking dude doodling sketches of people being hanged on his binder. When I looked over to Derren, I saw he was partnered up with a blondie, named Aileen, that was staring at him almost as much as I was, however much she tried to hide it. But, the person that really caught my eye was the person sitting in front of him. A girl that seemed to catch his eye. He looked at her and laughed with her with a tone that seemed to be holding back. I was sincerely disappointed.

All through the period I had to hear them laugh and joke around. I didn't mind Derren, just her. I tapped the goth kid on the shoulder and asked if he knew her name. "Oh, her?" he asked in a deep voice, "She's Ariana."

Ariana. Even the name sounded evil. I scrunched my face up and left my expression a scowl for the rest of the period. The goth kid just laughed. When the bell rang, I gathered up my things as quickly as I could, but was disappointed when Derren and Ariana were heading to the same class. I was in foods next and I scrunched over in my seat and pretty much ignored the teacher for most of the period.

Next period I had with Derren again. I was doing a victory dance when one of my guy friends, Evan, came up to me. "What are you doing, Emerald?" He asked, shaking his head.

"Oh, heh, nothing," I answered, sitting down in my seat. I continually stared at Derren until the period ended. Today was going by fast thanks to him.

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Yay! First story, I know its kind of desprate, but don't rush me!!! >:(

If anyone could make me a cover, I'd really appreciate it,

Luvviez from ForTheGlory

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