Discovering Wolfe

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After the bell rang, signaling 6/7th period's ending, Wolfe and I walked to our next class.

"So, how do you like MOSS?" I asked, casually.

"Fine," He answered, "there's nobody here, though. Besides you, Evan, Tigress, and Jaguar."

"What do you mean?" I asked, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear.

"They don't, well, express themselves, you know?" Wolfe asked, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Well, I guess," I shrugged. I thought Derren expressed himself well. Football player, funny, cool...

Speaking of Derren, he ran into me. Trying to catch a football, and he landed right ontop of me. "Uh..." I blushed. "So sorry!" He apologized, helping me get up, then running to get the football.

"What do you see in him?" Wolfe asked out of nowhere.

"What do you mean?"

"What's so cool about him? He's just another jock."

"Your stereo-typing him," I accused, secretly agreeing. What was so special about Derren that made me feel so attracted to him?

"Oh, really?" Wolfe asked, raising his eyebrows, "Explain."

"Geez, you sound like my teacher," I laughed weakly, "but, I guess he's smart, and kind... um, he's funny, football player which means he's pretty healthy."

"That it?" He asked, "Cause I can think of a mile long list of why he isn't so perfect."

"Okay, why are you so interested in my love life?" I asked.

"Just... wondering," Wolfe smiled, walking into the gym.

I shook my head and watched him walk away. "Hey! Err... Emerald?" Derrengreeted, jogging over to me, with a football in his arms. "Hey, Derren." I smiled, trying to not blush. I must have succeeded because Derren's facial expression didn't change a bit.

"Hey, Emerald!" Evan called. He was oblivious, yet again that I was in bliss with Derren by my side.

"Oh... hey, Evan," I plastered a fake smile across my face.

"Wazzup chickie? You left me alone back there." Evan smiled, slinging his arm around my shoulder like he always does.

"I'm gonna go because this is getting awkward," Derren laughed. He jogged up to Aileen and Ariana. Errg.

"Evan!" I pushed his arm off of me.

"What?" He asked, raising his arms up as if surrendering.

"I was having a moment!" I said, through clenched teeth.

"With Derren?" He scoffed, "He's just trying to get into your pants."

"We're only 14!"

"Hey, some guys start young!"

"Errg!" I shoved him then ran into the gym, which also happened to make me run into Wolfe.

"Hey Em," He smiled, tucking his hands in his pockets.

"Hey Wolfie." I put my hair up in a ponytail.


"You called me Em!"

"Touché," He agreed.

I actually smiled and then focused my attention to the teacher.

"Okay class, first things first let's get to know each other," The old gym teacher man smiled.

"I want you all in a circle, boy-girl order," He chuckled at the squeals of the boys.

I followed Wolfe and sat next to him in the circle. Derren was unsurprisingly in-between Ariana and Aileen. Evan looked around the circle until he spotted me, and waved, jogging over to where I was.

"Sorry 'bout earlier," He whispered in my ear.

"S'okay I was being bitchy, too," I agreed.

"Okay!" The P.E. teacher clapped his hands, "Who's good at dancing?" He asked.

I raised my hand halfway. I had taken dance lessons forever, but I didn't like where he was going with this.

"Aileen, Will, Derren and Emerald, up here please!"

I stood up and walked up to the middle of the circle. How the heck did he already know our names, and where was this going?

As if to answer my second question he smiled, "We could all use some good entertainment, so partner up!"

Aileen and Derren immediately went to each other, so that left Will and me. I shrugged, and he held his hand out. I took it and we looked at the old teacher.

"Ready for, the tango?"

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