Part 8- The pen

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Your POV

"You. Wouldn't. Dare." I challenged rolling to face the opposite way. It was silent. Only the faint sound of the rain hitting the window hung in the air. "He is joking." I reassured myself.

"Oh yeah? Say it one more time and see what happens." he threatened in a joking tone.

I thought about this of course. What's the worst he could do? Kidnap me? Pfft, as if I would let someone kidnap me and live, assassin or not. Besides, what's wrong with a little escape mission from a killer? I snickered at this. "Very well then. Perv-" My words were cut off. I was now facing the ceiling with a faint warmth by my ear.

"I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that." he in a naive voice said pinning my hand next to me then raised his head and gazed into my eyes. I couldn't help but stare back. His voice caught my attention the most, it was slicker and serious other than his icy eyes piercing into mine. He smiled after I didn't answer after a few seconds.
"I thought so." he said smirking taking his hand off of mine.

I refuse to be thought of as scared. Not only am I against it, I wasn't going to let him. The surprised look on my face was replaced with a grin. "vert." I finished staring him in the eye coldly. He froze now looking at the ground beside him blushing. See? I told you he wouldn't do anything. Just all talk with no do. Or at least I thought he wasn't before he smirked lowering back down to my ear.

"You're a brave little bird aren't you?" he whispers before slid his hand down my side.

A shiver went down my spine. "Tsk, yup." I said before teleporting switching places. He was now on the bottom with a dumbfounded expression.

"But I like that about me. Don't you think?" I whispered with a grin on my face. His face turned pink as he struggled to free his hands that I put above his hands. "Yeah I'm stronger than you. Deal with it." I mumbled under my breath. Pretty sure he heard me because he struggled a little more harder.

"I have been needing to ask you something anyway." I somewhat whispered raising my head. "Why are you acting different?"

The question echoed off the walls as he looked to the side avoiding eye contact stumbling with his words trying to sound calm. "I d-don't know w-what you're talking about. And I could ask you the same thing."

"Yes you do and I'm not acting different at all. Just asking a question with force. Now tell me." I almost laughed out but caught myself when he flushed a deeper pink. I then bit his neck softly making him squeal out. "Not going to answer?"

Embarrassed by the sound he accidentally let escape his mouth, he began to struggle again still flushed in pink. As I went down to kiss the side of his mouth just to taunt him but then I realized I couldn't. It was too cute the way he shut his eyes struggling seeing what I was gonna do. Almost like the cute shy Sonic I met yesterday.

He opened his eyes when the kiss never came. "Boom. Just proved you're too innocent to do a stunt like you tried." I said cheerfully as I teleported off of him and to the book I dropped.

He sat up and walked towards the door rubbing his neck.
"E-Excuse me." his face still red. I smiled brightly as he walked out and into the dark hallway but ended rolling on the floor laughing with the book in hand.

"I won."


Finishing the book I realized it's been maybe 1-2 hours since he left. Really wish these books would have more than twenty chapters for the people who actually like to read aka me. I still never got to sleep let alone get my scarf from downstairs. Do I even have any other choice? Nope. I want my scarf.

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