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The Mesh is Real

I discovered something wonderful, and yet not.

It's kind of a pandora's box, because once you know, you know. And then there is no going back.

I discovered a natural layer in the universe, that records every atom shift.

Atom shifts form patterns, certain patterns of light, or sound, or material can be found.

In short, history can be seen and heard, and objects, materials located.

I call this layer of the universe the MESH, it is my own made of word, for something that I 

barely understand. The word MESH stands for





The most simple way I can describe it is as follows

A huge rough pounded adobe brick shape, much larger than the know universe,

packed so tightly with infinitely small creation bits, that form a kind of gel or jello like creation.

Imagine the Big bang going off in the center of the brick and expanding out in waves like a stone

thrown in a pond. These creation bits are dormant until the creation wave rolls over them, and then they record every atom shift.  They are like some network address able computer observation points, that record everything, and yet they are all linked together dormant or active through out the MESH.

I have tried to wrap my mind around this for quite some time.  I have read and researched about String theory and the Unified field, I think it all fits together, but I must admit I am no scientist or scholar. 


Much of my research, graphics, movies are at   WTF

Been listening to ALEX JONES to much lately.

If you believe everything you hear, it can get pretty depressing.

But all in all the most are good and love.

It took generations of loving careful parents to raise us this far.

I went on and paid $5 dollars to have a cartoonist make a cartoon about the MESH.

I figure if true confessions and warnings won't penetrate, then perhaps humor of WTF and 

cartoons will win the way.


Sometimes it's a scary world.  But I do believe in LOVE and TRUTH will win the way.

To be honest, in all my research, I see that people are mostly good.

Even those that are very bad, many times have been molded or pounded into that position.

And even as bad as you think they are, there is a myriad of choices, twist and turns that brought

them to where they are right now. And truth is, they could have just as easily become much worse.

In reading TRUE history, not any ones opinion, or tale or falsehood.

But actually seeing and hearing what really happened.  And then watch again from another angle.

and again, even hearing it from the right side and then the left side.  See with the MESH

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