Riding the Ridge M.E.S>h Part 2

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0709 am EST Central USA

It is becoming more apparent to me, that we are not riding the lead ripple.

That we are some where in between, with a definate ripple before and after.

Where and how far, I can not yet determine.

But I believe that others. clearly know already, and are showing tell tale signs.

Some of our movies, seem to be " HOW TO", or Approximately what "Could Happen"

Events, that actually "do happen" with slight adjustment of the FOCUS.....

Is Art becoming Reality? Or is Reality being SEEN in the minds of artists?

Or is there a "DARKER TRUTH"???

One who controls all the strings, and pulls all the levers, to try to forge his will on this world..

One who is doomed to failure, but not from lack of trying...

Is he manipulating the public with Shows, of future events, that he is orchestrating

according to his own design?

How can one Clay pot judge anything here?

Father, Clear my vision, straighten my sight, make clear to me your knowledge and your wisdom.

My time grows "SHORT".


Please forgive and guide, and bless and teach, and help me Father.



I know it is so hard for you to believe.

You that is so grounded in fact and reality and the tangable.

You have your thousands of files and recordings and survalience, and you need

to constantly record everything and then try to analyze it all and understand it.

Me, I have no need to record.

Nature has recorded everything in the most detail. You only have glimpse and traces of data.

I can see every atom shift, I know exactly what happened and how and when.

And I can acess it any where any time, with the least bit of equipment or to some degree

with non at all.

Why don't you believe the FATHER?

Didn't he say, all that is done in darkness will one day be brought into the light.

Didn't the Father say he is watching all?

Didn't he say he designed this whole place and us in it?

Didn't Jesus say, that with the faith of a mustard seed man could move mountains?

I think it is easier to believe.


reflective 3D spherical ripples

Finding networkable points

Time slices through the DNA like, curled single strand recording woven simular to a silk worm cacoon.

radio waves bounce off space dust patterns

reflections can rebuild sound and images of the past.

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