Chapter 3

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"Hey are you sure... to look like that...? a photograph asked Naruto

"Yeah yeah just take it already" Naruto replied annoying

"Ok just don't regret it... say cheese" the photograph said as he take the picture for his ninja identification (AN: the foto it same as the anime).

'Hmmm this little joke for the Hokage should be funny' smirked Naruto with his new ninja ID.

Hokage tower

The Hokage frowns as he saw the identification picture of Naruto

"Hehehe it took me forever to come up with this good face" Naruto grinned " It's pretty artistic, eh?"

"Retake it!" the Hokage immediately said icecold

"WHAT? Old man! It took me 3 hour that i decide on that one!" Naruto retored 'And a funny one' Naruto chuckled

"Oh... Naruto where is you head plate?" the Hokage asked as he noticing Naruto aren't wearing his headband

"Well I'm saving it for tomorrow's ceremony...HEY DON'T CHANGE THE SUBJECT!" Naruto shouted

The Hokage sighrf "Well... this ninja registration book, lists all those in the village with high ability... and what you "done" it's a joke..."

"But... but..." Naruto said almost crying, this make the Hokage a little guilty

But suddenly the entrace door open and a little boy appeared with a long scralf

"OLD MAN today is the day I take you title!" the little boy shouted

"What the hell...?" Naruto asked it to himself

"oh noooooo not again... I apologies Hokage-sama" said a man with glasses that came a split second after the little boy. This man trying to hold the little boy back

"Who are you guys...? Are you comedians?" Naruto asked suddenly

The man widened his eyes and glaring at him 'The Kyubi-brat... I hate that loser...' The man with the black glasses thought as he push his glasses

"Who is this Orange-baka?" the little boy asked

"Baka...?" Naruto asked "BAKA?" Naruto asked again and pack the little boy on the collar "Say that again, brat!".

"Hey Brat! Let go of him! He is the thrid Hokage-sama grandson!" the man with the black glasses cried

"Go ahead and punch me!" the little boy said 'Now that he know, he wouldn't dare to do this... he likes the others...' the boy thought, but to his suprise, he really become a hit

"You think I give a damn, you damn brat?" Naruto yelled, leaving the room

"AWWW! Young master!" the guy with glasses screamed

"Owww" the boy sreamed 'He really did that...'

On the Street

'What a day' Naruto sighed, but become angry when a obviously rock follow im

"DAMN IT you can't fooling anyone, with this!" Naruto screamed at a "rock" with two hole

"Heh you good" the little boy from early smirked "I make you my boss" the boy said

"Boss...?" Naruto asked

"Teach me the killer technique! The famous Oiroke no Jutsu you create!" the boy said, while his eyes shining

"Huh...?" Naruto looked suprise


"Oiroke no Jutsu" the boy say but it come a fat girl

"Damn it why don't you get it? It must be more beautiful!"


After hours

*hah* *hah*

"You should take a break..." Naruto suggest " the way, why are you going after your grandpa so much?"

"Well he gave me the name Konohamaru..."

'Come to think I don't even known his name' thought Naruto with a frown

"He named me after the Village..." Konohamaru said "But even though everyone is used to that name here... nobody ever calls me that... they just see me as the Hokage grandson...nobody sees me as me... and I'm sick of that. That's why I want the Hokage name now." Konohamaru said

"Baka..." Naruto started

"What did you say?" Konohamaru demanded angry

"You heard me" Naruto replied

"If you want to be a Hokage... then beat me first! Because I will be the next Hokage of this village!" say Naruto with a grinned

Konohamaru's eyes widened but he couldn't help to grin

"I have found you" the same man with the glasses from early suddenly appear 'The demon...'he glared at Naruto

'This glaring...' thought Naruto sighed

"Now young Master let's go home..." the man said

"NO" Konohamaru said "I will defeat grandpa and become the next hokage!"

"But a Hokage must be well versed in all aspect of being a ninja you must know over a 1000 skills and then finally... huh?" the man was suprise as Konohomaru transform to a naked girl "What the hell? When did you learn this skill? This low-class jutsu will never work against me!" the man screamed

'Hmm... I want to try it anyway' Naruto smirked as he form the shadow clone seal. "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu" Naruto said

"Wooooow" Konohomaru said impressiv

"Hmpf... how foolish boy I am an elite tutor. I'm not Mizuki" the man said as he took his Taijutsu stance.

"Hmpf" Naruto smirked "You are the first one that I show this ultimative Killer move... Harem Oiroko no Jutsu" A smoke appear, as it died down, there stand a lot of nake girls

The glass man couldn't take it anymore and faint with very much bloodlost

"Hey come to think... what is the name of the poor guy?" Naruto realized

"Well his name is Ebisu and he is my tutor" Konohomaru answered with a grin

"If I learn this jutsu I will become a fast Hokage" Konohamaru grinned but Naruto pinch him

"Ouch! what was that for?" Konohamaru demand

"Baka... there ain't going to be any short-cuts to be a hokage" Naruto said

Konohamaru widened his eyes, but somehow he understand what he mean

He grinned at him "Stop lecturing me as if youre important! I'm not letting you be my Boss any longer! From now on WE'RE RIVALS"

Naruto look suprised, but form also a grin "Sorry, I'm taking my first step as a ninja tomorrow. But hey someday I'll fight you for the hokage name... I'll looking forward to it KONOHOMARU" 'ha... in was for a trouble I'm going this time...' Naruto sighed but in the end smirked

Even the hokage smiled on his "You can see everything in this orb"

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