1 Damsel in Distress...at lunch

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"Class, please take out your textbooks and turn to page 34," Mrs. Minnian says. She's a small, stubby, older woman with short, charcoal colored curly hair who teaches science. Her miniscule glasses rest on the edge of her long, pointed nose.

I hate science. It's the most boring class I've ever had to take. There's only one good benefit...

I spot Robbie on the other side of the room. Short, copper brown hair that's styled flawlessly to frame his chiseled features. Large, swimming pools of blue that you could drown in just by looking at for a few seconds. His hooked, aquiline nose perfectly compliments his olive complexion. Everything about him is just perfect, but even that word doesn't entirely justify him. His hair, his eyes, his face, his--

"Miss Palmer, I believe I told the class to open their textbooks to page 34."

Crap... I was daydreaming again..

Most of the class turns their heads in my direction, making my cheeks flush a soft rose. When I look up, however, I catch Robbie quickly glancing at me which only makes me blush a deep crimson. Lovely. I shake it off and open my textbook to begin to skim the information, but I'm unable to concentrate because I always find my mind drifting to him.

The last bell finally rang after what seemed like forever.

"Class don't forget to answer questions thirty six to forty seven! Due by Wednesday!" I really do hate that woman. Only through five periods of the week and I'm already stacked on homework. At least lunch is next.

"Hey, Brynn," Leah, my best friend, greets me as I take my seat at the lunch table. Leah's dark, auburn hair frames her petite face in the most astonishing way. I'll have to admit, she beats me in the looks department with guys falling for her all the time. She's a huge flirt and completely contrasts my personality. I don't know how we became friends, but I am extremely grateful to have her by my side.

"Hey, Leah."

"Oh my god! Did you hear what happened between Joe and Kati?!" Did I mention she likes to gossip? All. The. Time. I normally just go along with it. When she starts talking I don't really have to say much which is nice to allow my mind to think.

I let my mind wander to images of blue pools staring into my chocolate ones. I could find myself looking at them all day looking at him-

"Brynn? Hello? Do you hear me?" Leah snaps me out of my trance.

"What? Yeah, sorry," I say apologetically.

"Were you thinking about that dork, Robbie, again?" I forgot she could read me so well. "Remind me again why you think he's so good looking?" She's always picking on me for liking him. I don't know why it's a big deal. It's just one small crush and there's a very little chance he feels the same. I just wish she'd stop talking about it.

As if on cue, Mason, my only other friend, comes over to sit with us. As I turn to look at him, my elbow knocks over a water bottle and spills all over the table and Mason.

"I'm so sorry! Let me go get some paper towels," I stutter and frantically scramble up to get some paper towels, but I should have known even that was a bad idea. My balance gets the best of me and I find myself tripping over the floor and into. . .someone's hands? My eyes meet the face attached to strong arms holding me steady and preventing me from making contact with the floor. I feel the heat rise in my cheeks as realization stains my face.

"I...er...um...thanks," I stutter and carefully step up so as not to trip again.

"You're welcome," Robbie says in his smooth, husky tone. He smiles at me and I try to return the gesture, but he really *swept me off my feet.*

My heart beats rapidly as I meander back to my seat with the paper towels. Right away Leah can tell something happened, but I won't give her the satisfaction of knowing.

"You alright Brynn?" She inquires with an intent look on her face.

"Oh, yeah yeah. It's nothing," I shrug off. "Here's your paper towels," I utter nonchalantly as Mason grabs them from my hand. I feel as if the next three periods are going to be the longest classes of my life.

* * *

Luckily, the rest of the day goes by like a blur and I soon find myself at home with textbooks and papers swarming around me. Like usual, my parents aren't home. They're both professors at this wonderful ivy league university. I come from a small town where nothing ever happens and everyone knows each other, but I feel like I don't fit in with the crowd. Nor my parents.

I return to my homework and only a matter of seconds passes when I hear a buzz from my phone.

Leah: I completely forgot to tell you earlier but my family and I are going on a vacation for a week to look at some colleges. before I leave I was thinking we could hang out? text me back when you can xo.

College. Time is flying by so fast that I almost forgot to fill out my applications! I'm still deciding between a few places. I take out my binder and flip through to find my college forms.

The door suddenly bursts open and two familiar faces step through. That's weird, it's only 4:56 and my parents normally get home at 7:00. . .

"Brynn, there's something your father and I need to tell you."

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