15. "I can't believe it was you."

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Hi everyone! Can you believe that my book has 6000 reads? Because I can't. I just want to say thank you for all your support and fanning, it means really a lot. When I first started this book two months ago, I never expected it to get so big. So thank you!

I made this chapter longer, for you guys. The start was kinda a filler, I had writers block. Deal with it.  I hope you like it! At least the ending ^^



Aubrey's POV

I let my eyes trail over the message again, reading it over and over. I knew I was supposed to be scared, but surprisingly, I wasn't. I was just numb and emotionless. Who could have written something like this? I read the message again, probably the seventh time.

From: blocked number

I told you to stay away. Watch out, scary things might happen.

Who could be so evil, so cold-hearted? This person -who ever it was- was obviously jealous, that was clear. I needed to find out who it was. I decided to reply the message.

To: blocked number

Who are you?

I pressed send, hoping I would get a reply. And luckily enough, my phone dinged a few minutes later.

From: blocked number

Meet me by alone the lake at 12am tonight and you'll figure it out.

12 AM by the lake tonight. After having a battle in my head, I figured out that I should meet up. I know it was risky going alone, but I needed to know who it was. This needed to stop.

I locked my phone and stood up from the bench I was currently sitting on, smothering on my clothes. Justin had gone to talk with the counsellors about something, so I was alone. I didn't know what to do.

I walked along the lake, wondering how it would be like to be here tonight. I seriously wondered who it was. My thoughs keep going back to Skylar, for some odd reason. Her expression when I told her about the messages, it was kinda fake. Like she expected it.

I shook that thought of. It couldn't be her, she was my friend. Sure she dated Justin for what, a week? But then she broke up with him, so why would she try to get him back? And she just doesn't seem like that type of girl.

I'm sure it wasn't her. Girls gave Justin dirty looks all the time, it could have been anybody. I refused to accuse Skylar for something I wasn't sure of. I guess I would just wait and see.


A sudden childish voice made me jump five feet in the air. I turned around, and saw Jake running towards me. I hadn't seen him in a long time.

"Jake," I breathed out, hugging his small frame. "You nearly gave me a heart attack."

"I've missed you," he mumbled making me smile.

"I've missed you too," I replied softly. "How is everything?"

Jake scrunched his little forehead together, sadness washing slightly over his face.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked confused and worried. I didn't expect that reaction from him.

"Everything's fine with me," he said, before sighing. "It's Alex."

"What about him?" I asked worried, not wanting to know the answer.

"He's been a little sad lately. He won't play with me, and he seems down," Jake whispered weakly, worried about him too. "He won't tell me what's wrong."

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