CH 10 In the Loop

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Everett's POV-

Holding Jacobs hand while we drive to his grandmothers home is just what I needed after missing him all night. Feeling his warm skin and running my thumb on his knuckles brings peace to not only me but my wolf. I can't believe how much can change in one day. It was just yesterday that Jake admitted to having feelings for me, for actually being in love with me and I feel like everything has changed for us. I feel optimistic about my future for the first time in a long time.

I can feel Jacob staring at me. "What? What are you looking at?" I say teasingly and Jacob looks away quickly. Jacob pulls his hand away too and I huff while he turns to look out the window. "Nothing Ev just thinking, wondering why my mom called this meeting right after I asked Jesse to set up a meeting with Rockwell. Do you think Jesse told our mom?"

I hum. "I'm not really sure babe, I only know what I have read about Jesse but it doesn't seem like him. If I had to guess, I would bet Rockwell told your mom you wanted to meet with him and she is running interference for some reason." What I don't tell Jacob is that his mom might be running interference because she is responsible for Jeb's death. I don't want to stress him out any more than he already is with baseless claims but I am preparing myself up for the possibility.

Pulling up to the mansion that is Jake's grandmothers home is surreal. It actually kind of reminds me of my old pack house not only in size but in the way the sheer presence of the structure is intimidating. I grab Jacobs hand as we walk to the front door before we reach the door it opens and Joey Rockwell is standing there with Jacobs mother Catherine. They both look extremely uncomfortable but Catherine try's to smile.

When we get to the door Catherine hugs Jacob before pulling back and looking at me critically. Rockwell actually shakes my hand and introduces himself and Catherine and invites us in. Catherine finally finds her voice. "It's so good to see you Jacob and Everett it's nice to meet you as well. Everyone is already here in the living room, would either of you like something to drink before we start?" Both Jacob and I shake our heads no as we walk into the living room filled with Jacobs sisters and Brother.

The only other significant other here is Titan which seems odd to me. I know for a fact Marie has a serious boyfriend and so does Alyssa so why is Titan the only other spouse here? Jacob walks towards Jesse and Titan and shakes their hands before introducing me. "Jesse, Titan this is my boyfriend?" It's sounds more like a question than a statement but I'm still proud Jake could even say it at all and my wolf just wants to claim Jacob back.

I shake both their hands and they both have wide smiles. "Nice to meet you guys my name is Everett and yes I'm Jacob's boyfriend." I say confidently and hear Jacobs sisters whispering and smiling like mental patients as the approach us. Before I can say anything Jesse sighs. "Girls be nice to Everett let's try to look like a normal functioning family for once." He scolds them.

Both girls look at him doe eyed. "Why Jesse why would you think we wouldn't be nice? We are just curious to meet the man that turned Jakey from a bigoted asshole to a homosexual." I can't help the little chuckle that escapes me. "It's nice to meet you two as well. I'm Everett the man so beautiful I turned your brother gay." I say cheekily and Jake slaps my arm. "Shut up."

They both laugh pearls of laughter at us and it makes Jacob smile as well. "Oh I like him already Marie." Alyssa chimes to her sister before grabbing my arm. "Come on you guys can sit with us." Alyssa drags me to the couch she and Marie were sitting at as Jake follows me. I look at Alyssa. "Do you know why we are here?" She just shrugs her shoulders. "I assume so Jacob can be welcomed back into the family by grandma, speak of the devil and she shall appear." Alyssa laughs as an old weathered woman walks into the living room holding on to Rockwell's arm.

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